From d29614b812f9d433618d37fefc1b20fcfd6e475b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sinan Zimmermann <>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 17:56:55 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] edit steckbriefe

 src/components/data/steckbriefe.ts | 383 +++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 311 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/data/steckbriefe.ts b/src/components/data/steckbriefe.ts
index a93eda0d..721491f6 100644
--- a/src/components/data/steckbriefe.ts
+++ b/src/components/data/steckbriefe.ts
@@ -65,148 +65,387 @@ Vorlage Datensatz:
 export const teammembers: Array<Steckbrief> = [
+        title: "B.Sc.",
         vorname: "Anna", 
         nachname: "Baack", 
+        age: "25",
         linkedinurl: "",
         hauptfoto: "",
-        pronouns: "she/her", 
-        studiengang: "M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology",
-        headof: "Laboratory",
+        zweitfoto: "",
+        pronouns: "she/her",
+        studiengang:  "M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology",
+        headof: "Wet lab",
         igemjob: ["Delivery", "Creativity","Sponsoring"],
         whyigem: [
             "To prove to myself what I am capable of", 
-            "To be part of a dedicated team in which everyone understands when you are dead inside"
-        ],
+            "To be part of a dedicated team in which everyone understands when you are dead inside",
+            "I aim to constantly improve my skills in research, experimental design and data analysis",
+            "This journey not only enriches my academic experience, but also helps me to make valuable connections with professionals, mentors and colleagues and lay the foundation for future collaborations",
+            "I love to do research, want to improve my research skills and want to be a committed applicant who is willing to make a meaningful contribution to impactful scientific projects",
+        ], 
         bestpart: [
             "My Team", 
             "Chlorella x Kombucha",
             "Expanding my skills in the lab",
-        ], 
+        ],
         biggestchallenge: [
             ">12-hour shift in the lab",
             "Don't let anyone see your tears"
-        funfacts: "Proud Lab Mom - They see me rollin' with my E-Scooter",
-        favmusic: "The techno workout playlist from Lisa",
+        funfacts: [
+            "Proud Lab Mom - They see me rollin' with my E-Scooter",
+            "I would describe myself as a creative mind and food lover",
+                ],
+        favmusic: "Techno workout playlist from Lisa",
+        sciencemedia: [
+            "The competition with fellow students",
+            "Telling myself 'There must be stupider people than me' and 'Shit happens'",
+            "Crying"
+        ],
+        onechange: [
+            "My Kindle (with survival book)",
+            "Dark chocolate",
+            "Flintstone"
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "Reading",
+            "Going for a walk",
+            "Cuddling with dogs",
+            "Listening to/playing music",
+            "Painting",
+                ],
+        scientificinterests: "Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Plants",
+        title: "B.Sc.",
         vorname: "Asal Sahami", 
-        nachname: "Moghaddam", 
+        nachname: "Baack", 
+        age: "24",
         linkedinurl: " asal-sahami-moghaddam-665302315",
         hauptfoto: "",
-        pronouns: "she/her", 
-        studiengang: "M.Sc. Bioinformatics",
-        igemjob: "Wiki, Mechanism & Public Outreach",
-        whyigem: "As an international student, iGEM offers me a unique opportunity to not only expand and deepen my scientific experience by working with a research team but also to enhance my social communication skills within my scientific field. iGEM provides different perspectives; it is not just a research project, but also a social activity where one can engage with diverse social opportunities and activities. This allows me to recognize and explore various possibilities beyond the science, making it a well-rounded and enriching experience",
-        bestpart: "The competition format of that and as a group we have the same goal", 
-        biggestchallenge: "A strong presentation of your work, showing what you've accomplished and the ideas you've contributed as part of the team", 
-        favmusic: "The techno workout playlist from Lisa",
+        zweitfoto: "",
+        pronouns: "she/her",
+        studiengang:  "M.Sc. Bioinformatics and Genome Research",
+        igemjob: ["Wiki, Mechanism & Public Outreach"],
+        whyigem: [
+            "As an international student, iGEM offers me a unique opportunity to not only expand and deepen my scientific experience by working with a research team but also to enhance my social communication skills within my scientific field",
+            "iGEM provides different perspectives - it is not just a research project, but also a social activity where one can engage with diverse social opportunities and activities",
+            "This allows me to recognize and explore various possibilities beyond the science, making it a well-rounded and enriching experience",
+            "To me, it's a great experience to bring a new idea realted to my field of study in the form of a project within an high cooperative group",
+        ], 
+        bestpart: [
+            "The competition format of that and as a group we have the same goal",
+        ],
+        biggestchallenge: [
+            "A strong presentation of your work, showing what you've accomplished and the ideas you've contributed as part of the team",
+        ],
+        funfacts: [
+            "I am a Researcher, but also try to have a creative mind",
+        ],
+        sciencemedia: [
+            "Unraveling mysteries, uncovering patterns, and contributing to our understanding of the world are deeply satisfying pursuits",
+            "I love the collaborative nature of scientific endeavors and working with other curious minds to solve complex problems",
+            "Crying"
+        ],
+        onechange: [
+            "My cat and love",
+            "a water purifier",
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "Trip",
+            "Visit new places",
+            "Have fun with dogs and cats",
+            "Cooking",
+            "To be active in social media and make content ",
+        ],
+        scientificinterests: "Medicine, Data Analayse, Genome Research, Coding",
-        vorname: "Christian", 
-        nachname: "Michalek",
+        title: "B.Sc.",
+        vorname: "Christian",
+        nachname: "Michalek", 
+        age: "26",
         hauptfoto: "",
-        pronouns: "he/him", 
+        zweitfoto: "",
+        pronouns: "he/him",
         studiengang: "M.Sc. Cellular Biochemistry",
-        igemjob: "Wet lab, PrimeGuide, Biosafety",
-        whyigem: "To get to know new people with the same interests from different disciplines and to work together on a great project",
-        bestpart: "To live up to the responsibility and to keep going even if nothing works out again", 
-        biggestchallenge: "A strong presentation of your work, showing what you've accomplished and the ideas you've contributed as part of the team", 
+        igemjob: ["Wet lab, PrimeGuide, Biosafety"],
+        whyigem: [
+            "To get to know new people with the same interests from different disciplines and to work together on a great project", 
+            "Mistakes and setbacks are part of it, otherwise it becomes boring and monotonous",
+        ],
+        bestpart: [
+            "To live up to the responsibility and to keep going even if nothing works out again", 
+            "Working together as a team with a lot of fun on creative approaches",
+            "Thinking uutside of the box",
+        ],
+        biggestchallenge: [
+            "A strong presentation of your work, showing what you've accomplished and the ideas you've contributed as part of the team",
+        ],
+        funfacts: [
+            "researcher, mood maker",
+                ],
         favmusic: "There's nothing better than a relaxed, groovy techno set in the morning when you're starting work",
+        sciencemedia: [
+            "dive gear and endless supply of oxygen",
+        ],
+        onechange: [
+            "More people in science",
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "diving, swimming, hiking",
+                ],
+        scientificinterests: "Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Biology, Phatobiochemistry, Signalling Pathways",
+        title: "B.Sc.",
         vorname: "Isabell", 
-        nachname: "Guckes",
-        hauptfoto: "",
-        pronouns: "she/her", 
-        studiengang: "M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology",
-        headof: "Sponsoring",
-        igemjob: "Wet lab, AirBuddy, Creativity",
-        whyigem: "It’s great to be part of a project from the formation of the idea until the final results, so you can contribute with your work but also gain new experiences",
-        bestpart: "Learning new techniques in the lab", 
-        biggestchallenge: "Coordination of many people and their individual work styles to work as one",
-        funfacts: "Can't decide if I'm left- or right-handed",
+        nachname: "Guckes", 
+        age: "24",
+        linkedinurl: "",
+        hauptfoto: "",
+        zweitfoto: "",
+        pronouns: "she/her",
+        studiengang:  "M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology",
+        headof: "Sponsoring and Cell Culture (Cell lines)",
+        igemjob: ["Wet lab, AirBuddy, Creativity"],
+        whyigem: [
+            "It’s great to be part of a project from the formation of the idea until the final results, so you can contribute with your work but also gain new experiences", 
+            "Because I want to be part of a dedicated team of young scientists and follow a project from the idea to the final result with all its' challenges",            "XX",
+        ], 
+        bestpart: [
+            "Learning new techniques in the lab", 
+        ],
+        biggestchallenge: [
+            "Coordination of many people and their individual work styles to work as one",
+        ],
+        funfacts: [
+            "Can't decide if I'm left- or right-handed",
+            "a fortune cookie once told me the future holds significant data",
+                ],
         favmusic: "Disney songs sung by Kaya",
+        sciencemedia: [
+            "sunscreen, swim suit and sangria",
+        ],
+        onechange: [
+            "More rapid improvement of AI in science to speed up microscopy sessions because usually you need to be very patient",
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "Baking",
+            "Yoga",
+            "Cycling",
+            "Crocheting",
+            "Guitar",
+                ],
+        scientificinterests: "Medical research, Oncology, Genetic Diseases",
         vorname: "Kai", 
-        nachname: "Kanthak",
-        hauptfoto: "",
+        nachname: "Kanthak", 
+        age: "26",
+        linkedinurl: "",
+        hauptfoto: "",
+        zweitfoto: "",
         pronouns: "he/him",
-        studiengang: "B.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology",
-        igemjob: "PrimeGuide, Biosafety, Sponsoring",
-        whyigem: "The best way to apply theoretical knowledge is through hands-on projects. Taking part in IGem has allowed me to learn more than I ever would have in the same amount of time at university",
-        bestpart: "When something meticulously thought out and planned works as intended in the laboratory. And to experience this together with the team", 
-        biggestchallenge: "Getting a team of very different people with different schedules and lifes to work together effectively and efficiently on something",
+        studiengang:  "B.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology",
+        igemjob: ["PrimeGuide, Biosafety, Sponsoring"],
+        whyigem: [
+            "The best way to apply theoretical knowledge is through hands-on projects. Taking part in iGEM has allowed me to learn more than I ever would have in the same amount of time at university",
+            "Finding out if a career in academia is something for me",
+            "Being part of a cool project where I can learn a ton of things along the way",
+            "The certainty that there must be a way.... but stubbornness definitely helps"
+        ], 
+        bestpart: [
+            "Learning new techniques in the lab", 
+        ],
+        biggestchallenge: [
+            "Getting a team of very different people with different schedules and lifes to work together effectively and efficiently on something",
+        ],
+        funfacts: [
+            "permanent doubter and so far the always sick guy (coughing while writing this)",
+            "XXX",
+                ],
         favmusic: "radio, techno",
+        sciencemedia: [
+            "Bear Grylls, 2000 piece puzzle and a camping chair",
+        ],
+        onechange: [
+            "Certain incentive structures in academia so that research would be driven more by childlike curiosity than personal career and status goals",
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "Swimming",
+            "Running",
+        ],
+        scientificinterests: "Neuroscience, Astronomy, Longevity",
+        title: "B.Sc.",
         vorname: "Kathleen", 
-        nachname: "Susat",
-        hauptfoto: "",
+        nachname: "Susat", 
+        age: "25",
+        linkedinurl: "",
+        hauptfoto: "",
+        zweitfoto: "",
         pronouns: "she/her",
-        studiengang: "M.Sc. Genome Based Systems Biologie",
-        igemjob: "Wet lab, PrimeGuide, Biosafety, Human Practices, Public Engagement",
-        whyigem: "I want to acquire new skills and develop my character. Moreover working on an exciting project alongside passionate researchers enables meaningful contributions to be made",
-        bestpart: "Lab time and of course our wonderful team", 
-        biggestchallenge: "Not going crazy",
+        studiengang:  "M.Sc. Genome Based Systems Biologie",
+        headof: "Cell Culture (Primary Cells)",
+        igemjob: ["Wet lab, PrimeGuide, Biosafety, Human Practices, Public Engagement"],
+        whyigem: [
+            "I want to acquire new skills and develop my character. Moreover working on an exciting project alongside passionate researchers enables meaningful contributions to be made",
+        ], 
+        bestpart: [
+            "Lab time and of course our wonderful team",
+        ],
+        biggestchallenge: [
+            "Not going crazy"
+        ],
         funfacts: [
             "Passionate handball player",
             "Food lover",
-        ],
+                ],
         favmusic: "Musicals",
+        sciencemedia: [
+            "XXX"
+        ],
+        onechange: [
+            "XXX"
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "XXX",
+                ],
+        scientificinterests: "XXX",
+        title: "M.Sc.",
         vorname: "Kaya", 
-        nachname: "Lange",
-        hauptfoto: "",
+        nachname: "Lange", 
+        age: "24",
+        linkedinurl: "",
+        hauptfoto: "",
+        zweitfoto: "",
         pronouns: "she/her",
-        studiengang: "M.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology",
-        igemjob: "Wet lab, PrimeGuide, AirBuddy, Human Practices, Public Engagement",
-        whyigem: "I wanted to be part of an incredible team implementing a large and significant project together",
-        bestpart: "My favorite part of iGEM is learning a lot about scientific research, handling stress and working in a wonderful team on one page together to achieve our goal", 
-        biggestchallenge: "The biggest challenge is time management. It is quite difficult to manage all the different aspects of the project",
+        studiengang:  "M.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology",
+        headof: "Human Practice",
+        igemjob: ["Wet lab, PrimeGuide, AirBuddy, Human Practices, Public Engagement"],
+        whyigem: [
+            "I wanted to be part of an incredible team implementing a large and significant project together", 
+            "Challenges are also just thorny opportunities",
+        ], 
+        bestpart: [
+            "My favorite part of iGEM is learning a lot about scientific research, handling stress and working in a wonderful team on one page together to achieve our goal",
+            "I want to be part of a incredible team implementing a large and significant project together",
+        ],
+        biggestchallenge: [
+            "The biggest challenge is time management. It is quite difficult to manage all the different aspects of the project"
+        ],
         funfacts: [
             "I tend to say yes to everything",
             "My friends are often impressed by how I squeeze so much into my life",
-            "I love travelling and have lived in South America, Sweden and Spain"
+            "I love travelling and have lived in South America, Sweden and Spain",
         favmusic: "I like to listen to french café music to prepare for the grand jamboree in paris",
+        sciencemedia: [
+            "Survivalbook, friends and wine"
+        ],
+        onechange: [
+            "If given the opportunity to change one thing in the world of science, I would advocate for increased investment in scientific research and innovation"
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "Saying yes to everything",
+            "Volunteering",
+            "Swimming",
+            "Cooking",
+            "Being with friends",
+            "Traveling around the world"
+                ],
+        scientificinterests: "Plants, Gene Editing, Climate Change",
+        title: "B.Sc.",
         vorname: "Liliana", 
-        nachname: "Sanfilippo",
-        hauptfoto: "",
+        nachname: "Sanfilippo", 
+        age: "22",
+        linkedinurl: "",
+        hauptfoto: "",
+        zweitfoto: "",
         pronouns: "she/her",
-        studiengang: "M.Sc. Bioinformatic and Genome Research",
+        studiengang:  "M.Sc. Bioinformatics and Genome Research",
         headof: "Wiki",
-        igemjob: "Human Practices/ Public Engagement",
-        whyigem: "I am very curious and like projects",
-        bestpart: "Actually seeing results of what you are doing", 
-        biggestchallenge: "The biggest challenge is time management. It is quite difficult to manage all the different aspects of the project",
+        igemjob: ["Human Practices/ Public Engagement"],
+        whyigem: [
+            "I am very curious and like projects",
+        ], 
+        bestpart: [
+            "Actually seeing results of what you are doing",
+        ],
+        biggestchallenge: [
+            "The biggest challenge is time management. It is quite difficult to manage all the different aspects of the project"
+        ],
+        funfacts: [
+            "My roommates don't let me do experiments in the kitchen anymore",
+            "I just have a serious obsession with isopods and efficiency",
+            "Doing projects is fun",
+                ],
+        favmusic: "Techno workout playlist from Lisa",
+        onechange: [
+            "Make researchers put ALL their data into very detailed databases, that would make looking up data so efficient. You too, faunisticians and anatomists. I´m looking at you"
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "Painting & Drwaing",
+            "Maintaining a website",
+            "Keeping isopods",
+        ],
+        scientificinterests: "Terrestrial Isopods, Analysis of Postgenome Data, Phylogenetics & Machine Learning",
+        title: "B.Sc.",
         vorname: "Lisa", 
-        nachname: "Wiesner",
-        hauptfoto: "XXX",
+        nachname: "Wiesner", 
+        age: "28",
+        linkedinurl: "XXX",
+        hauptfoto: "",
+        zweitfoto: "",
         pronouns: "she/her",
-        studiengang: "XXX",
-        igemjob: "XXX",
-        whyigem: "XXX",
-        bestpart: "XXX", 
-        biggestchallenge: "XXX",
-        funfacts: [
+        studiengang:  "M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology",
+        igemjob: ["XXX"],
+        whyigem: [
+            "My motivation for iGEM comes from the excitement of tackling real world problems through innovative synthetic biology solutions, alongside a global community of passionate scientists",
+            "The opportunity to showcase our work at the iGEM Giant Jamboree and potentially make a meaningful impact on the world",
+            "I just have a very high frustration tolerace",
+        ], 
+        bestpart: [
+            "XXX",
+        ],
+        biggestchallenge: [
+        funfacts: [
+            "XXX",
+                ],
         favmusic: "XXX",
+        sciencemedia: [
+            "some divice to listen to music",
+            "kindle with unlimited excess of books",
+            "sunblocker with a very high SPF",
+        ],
+        onechange: [
+            "Enhance the accessibility and inclusivity of scientific knowledge and opportunities. Because knowledge is power and everyone should have equal opportunities regardless of their background"
+        ],
+        hobbies:  [
+            "Agility",
+            "Softball",
+            "Climbing",
+            "Basically everything outdoors"
+                ],
+        scientificinterests: "Cell Biology, Genetic Engineering, Biomedicine",