diff --git a/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/Filterables.tsx b/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/Filterables.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b0d913e72bd280b6847a9cfef77a5dfa8182f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/Filterables.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import Collapsible from "../../../components/Collapsible";
+import { H5 } from "../../../components/Headings";
+import { Troubleshoot } from "./trouble-data";
+export function Filterables(data: Array<Troubleshoot>){
+    let count = 2; 
+    let results = [];
+    for (let index = 0; index < data.length; index++) {
+        let tags = ""
+        for (let i = 0; i < data[index].tags.length; i++) {
+            tags += data[index].tags[i] + " "; 
+        }
+        results.push(
+            <div className={`filterable all ${tags}`} id={`wiki-trouble-${count}`}>
+                <Collapsible title={data[index].title} id={`wiki-trouble-${count}-collapsible`}>
+                    {data[index].text}
+                    <H5 text="Example"/>
+                        {data[index].examplechildren}
+                    <H5 text="Solution"/>
+                    {data[index].solutionchildren}
+                </Collapsible>
+            </div>
+        )
+        count ++; 
+    }
+    return results; 
diff --git a/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/trouble-data.tsx b/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/trouble-data.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2288f80320e016d4f1a36774afc3d8cc67531b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/trouble-data.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+import { Code } from "../../../components/Code";
+export interface Troubleshoot{
+    tags: Array<Searchcriteria>; 
+    title: string; 
+    examplechildren: React.ReactNode; 
+    solutionchildren: React.ReactNode; 
+    text?: React.ReactNode; 
+type Searchcriteria = "html" | "script" | "css" | "react"  | "type" | "properties" | "pipeline" | "module" | "browser" | "console" |"overload" ; 
+export const troubledata: Array<Troubleshoot> = [
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "type"],
+        title: "Type X is not assignable to type Y.",
+        examplechildren: <></>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["pipeline"],
+        title: "The pipeline passed but the Wiki is not visible under the url",
+        text: <><p>This error could be a result of a wrong base url in the vite.config.js file.</p>
+        <p>E.g. if you switched from plain HTML to the react framework. </p></>,
+        examplechildren: <><Code>
+        <p>return defineConfig(&#123;</p>
+        <p>base: `/`,</p>
+        <p>...</p>
+      </Code></>,
+        solutionchildren: <><p>Change the base url to reflect the correct team url.</p>
+        <Code>
+          <p>return defineConfig(&#123;</p>
+          <p>base: `/$&#123;stringToSlug(env.VITE_TEAM_NAME)&#125;/`,</p>
+          <p>...</p>
+        </Code></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["console"],
+        title: "NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT error in console",
+        text: <><p> &rarr; See also "The pipeline passed but the Wiki is not visible under the url" as these errors can be connected.</p>
+        <p> This error for css and js files can be the result of wrong <b>rollupOptions</b> in for the build, to be specific wrong <b>output</b> and <b>assetFileNames</b> options and possibly wrong/empty <b>css</b> options in your vite.config.js. </p>
+        </>,
+        examplechildren: <><p>In our case, we had the following code on our vite.config.js</p>
+        <Code>
+        <p>build: &#123; </p>
+      <p>outDir: "dist",</p>
+      <p>rollupOptions: &#123;</p>
+        <p>output: &#123;</p>
+          <p> assetFileNames: `assets/[ext]/[name]-[hash].[ext]`</p>
+        <p>&#125; &#125; &#125; , </p>
+        </Code>
+        <p> Our <b>css</b> options were empty, which could also have played a factor for the css files.</p>
+        <Code>
+        <p>css: &#123;</p>
+      <p>preprocessorOptions: &#123;</p>
+        <p>css: &#123;</p>
+          <p>  //javascriptEnabled: true, // Enable JavaScript in CSS (useful for certain CSS preprocessor plugins)</p>
+       <p> &#125; &#125; &#125;,</p>  
+        </Code></>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["browser", "console"],
+        title: "Blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff) (Firefox)",
+        examplechildren: <><p> &rarr; See also "Refused to apply style from &lt;&lt;css file&gt;&gt; because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, strict MIME checking is enabled (Edge)"</p>
+        </>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["console", "browser"],
+        title: "Refused to apply style from <<css file>> because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, strict MIME checking is enabled (Edge)",
+        examplechildren: <><p> &rarr; See also "Blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff) (Firefox)"</p> </>,
+        solutionchildren: <><p>This error could </p></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "type"],
+        title: "Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type",
+        examplechildren: <></>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "overload"],
+        title: "No overload matches this call.",
+        examplechildren: <></>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "module"],
+        title: "Module Z has already exported a member named A. Consider explicitly re-exporting to resolve the ambiguity.",
+        examplechildren: <>index.tsx: 
+        <p className="problem-error"> Module "./Bfh.tsx" has already exported a member named 'LabTabs'. Consider explicitly re-exporting to resolve the ambiguity.</p>
+        </>,
+        solutionchildren: <><p>Simply rename the function in one of the modules or consider making it a component if you plan on using it frequently.  
+      </p></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["pipeline"],
+        title: "error TS6133: 'event' is declared but its value is never read.",
+        examplechildren: <>HorizontalTimeline.tsx: 
+        <div className="terminal-box">
+          $ yarn build
+          <p>yarn run v1.22.19</p>
+          <p>$ tsc && vite build</p>
+          <p className="terminal-error">src/components/HorizontalTimeline.tsx(67,23): error TS6133: 'event' is declared but its value is never read.
+          error Command failed with exit code 2.</p>
+          <p>info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.</p>
+          </div>
+        <p>in</p>
+        <Code>
+        const openPop =  (event : React.MouseEvent&lt;HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent&gt;) =&gt; {}
+        </Code></>,
+        solutionchildren: <><p>Change to: </p>
+        <Code>
+        const openPop =  (_event : React.MouseEvent&lt;HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent&gt;) =&gt; {}
+        </Code></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["html"],
+        title: "Unexpected token. Did you mean `{'>'}` or `&gt;`?\" id=\"wiki-trouble-16",
+        examplechildren: <></>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "type"],
+        title: "Type 'x | undefined' is not assignable to type 'x'",
+        examplechildren: <></>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "type", "properties"],
+        title: "Type X is missing the following properties from type Y: a, b, c",
+        examplechildren: <><p className="problem-error">
+        Type '&#123; date: string; text: string; &#125;' is missing the following properties from type 'TextEventProps': marker, card
+        </p>
+        <p>In reference of the interface TextEventProps:</p>
+        <Code>
+        <p>interface TextEventProps &#123; </p>
+        <p>date: string; </p>
+        <p>text: string; </p>
+        <p>marker: React.ReactNode; </p>
+        <p>id: string; </p>
+        <p>card: Function; </p>
+        &#125;
+        </Code>
+        <p>For the code:</p>
+        <Code>
+          <p> &lt;TextEvent </p>
+          <p> id="05"</p>
+          <p> date="14-06-2024"</p>
+          <p> text="Test test"</p>
+          <p> /&gt;</p>
+        </Code></>,
+        solutionchildren: <>
+        <h6>Solutions</h6>
+        <p>One solution could be getting rid of the properties you do not need everywhere and create new property interfaces for all cases.</p>
+        <p>If you want to stick to more general Interfaces, you can make properties optional:</p>
+        <Code>
+        <p>interface TextEventProps &#123; </p>
+        <p>date: string; </p>
+        <p>text: string; </p>
+        <p>marker?: React.ReactNode; </p>
+        <p>id: string; </p>
+        <p>card?: Function; </p>
+        &#125;
+        </Code>
+        <p>Remember that this can lead to different return cases for your functions.</p></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "type", "properties"],
+        title: "Property x does not exist on type Y.",
+        examplechildren: <></>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "type", "properties"],
+        title: "Property x is missing in type y but required in type z.",
+        examplechildren: <><p className="problem-error"> Argument of type '&#123; [x: string]: any; &#125;' is not assignable to parameter of type '&#123; classNames: string[]; &#125;'.
+        Property 'classNames' is missing in type '&#123; [x: string]: any; &#125;' but required in type '&#123; classNames: string[]; &#125;'.</p>
+        <p> for </p>
+        <Code>className=&#123;joinClassNames(&#123;[&#39;text-event&#39;, className]&#125;)&#125; </Code>
+        </>,
+        solutionchildren: <><p>In this example, the problem was that the property "classNames" was not explicitly named.</p>
+        <p>Changing it to </p>
+          <Code>className=&#123;joinClassNames(&#123;<b>classNames:</b>[&#39;text-event &#39;, className]&#125;)&#125;</Code>
+        </>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["css"],
+        title: "I added css styles but they do not show",
+        examplechildren: <><p>The color is not showing on hover.</p>
+        <Code>.nav-link:hover &#123;
+          color: var(--darkpurple);
+          background-color: var(--yellow) !important;
+          border-radius: 3px;
+          &#125;</Code></>,
+        solutionchildren: <><p>Styles not showing is often a case of a different style overriding your style. Some styles are pre defined by bootstrap or other packages you may use. </p>
+        <p> If an external package is overriding your style, you need to add the <b>!important</b> tag to your style. </p>
+        <p> If one of your own styles is overriding the new style, you can change your old style or define a new, more specific style case. E.g. by using a more specific css path. But you may still need to add the <b>!important</b> tag. </p>
+        <Code> .nav-link:hover &#123;
+          color: var(--darkpurple) <b>!important</b>;
+          background-color: var(--yellow) !important;
+          border-radius: 3px;
+          &#125;
+          </Code></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["css", "script"],
+        title: "(subtabs[i] as HTMLElement).style.display = \"x\"; is not working.",
+        examplechildren: <></>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    {
+        tags: ["react", "script"],
+        title: "Property 'style' does not exist on type 'Element'.",
+        examplechildren: <>
+        <p className="problem-error">
+            Property 'style' does not exist on type 'Element'.
+        </p>
+        <p>for the Code: </p>
+        <Code>
+        const subtabs &#x3D; document.getElementsByClassName(&quot;sidesubtab&quot;);
+        for (let i &#x3D; 0; i &lt; subtabs.length; i++) &#123;
+            (subtabs[i]).style.display &#x3D; &quot;none&quot;;
+            console.log(\&#x60;Hiding subtab: $&#123;subtabs[i].id&#125;\&#x60;);
+            &#125;
+        </Code>
+        </>,
+        solutionchildren: <></>
+    },
+    ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/troubleshooting.tsx b/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/troubleshooting.tsx
index 0f0e23972728f8f15b95bad81301854f01591779..27512116f44bb91228565ff8d8b9595dc36e943f 100644
--- a/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/troubleshooting.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/troubleshooting.tsx
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { Code } from "../../../components/Code";
-import Collapsible from "../../../components/Collapsible";
 import { WikiSelector } from "../../../components/Filter";
+import { Filterables } from "./Filterables";
+import { troubledata } from "./trouble-data";
 export function Troubleshooting(){
+  let items = Filterables(troubledata)
       Please select what you want to troubleshoot for. 
@@ -11,203 +11,16 @@ export function Troubleshooting(){
       <div id="nono" className="noshow">
         This combination returns no instances. 
-       <div className="filterable all react type property">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-1" title="Argument of type X is not assignable to parameter of type Y. ">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all react type"> 
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-2" title="Type X is not assignable to type Y.">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all css"> 
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-3" title="I added css styles but they do not show">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <p>The color is not showing on hover.</p>
-        <Code>.nav-link:hover &#123;
-          color: var(--darkpurple);
-          background-color: var(--yellow) !important;
-          border-radius: 3px;
-          &#125;</Code>
-        <h6>Solution</h6>
-        <p>Styles not showing is often a case of a different style overriding your style. Some styles are pre defined by bootstrap or other packages you may use. </p>
-        <p> If an external package is overriding your style, you need to add the <b>!important</b> tag to your style. </p>
-        <p> If one of your own styles is overriding the new style, you can change your old style or define a new, more specific style case. E.g. by using a more specific css path. But you may still need to add the <b>!important</b> tag. </p>
-        <Code> .nav-link:hover &#123;
-          color: var(--darkpurple) <b>!important</b>;
-          background-color: var(--yellow) !important;
-          border-radius: 3px;
-          &#125;
-          </Code>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all  react type property">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-4" title="Property x is missing in type y but required in type z.">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <p className="problem-error"> Argument of type '&#123; [x: string]: any; &#125;' is not assignable to parameter of type '&#123; classNames: string[]; &#125;'.
-        Property 'classNames' is missing in type '&#123; [x: string]: any; &#125;' but required in type '&#123; classNames: string[]; &#125;'.</p>
-        <p> for </p>
-        <Code>className=&#123;joinClassNames(&#123;[&#39;text-event&#39;, className]&#125;)&#125; </Code>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        <p>In this example, the problem was that the property "classNames" was not explicitly named.</p>
-        <p>Changing it to </p>
-          <Code>className=&#123;joinClassNames(&#123;<b>classNames:</b>[&#39;text-event &#39;, className]&#125;)&#125;</Code>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all react type property">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-5" title="Property x does not exist on type Y.">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all react type property">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-6" title="Type X is missing the following properties from type Y: a, b, c">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <p className="problem-error">
-        Type '&#123; date: string; text: string; &#125;' is missing the following properties from type 'TextEventProps': marker, card
-        </p>
-        <p>In reference of the interface TextEventProps:</p>
-        <Code>
-        <p>interface TextEventProps &#123; </p>
-        <p>date: string; </p>
-        <p>text: string; </p>
-        <p>marker: React.ReactNode; </p>
-        <p>id: string; </p>
-        <p>card: Function; </p>
-        &#125;
-        </Code>
-        <p>For the code:</p>
-        <Code>
-          <p> &lt;TextEvent </p>
-          <p> id="05"</p>
-          <p> date="14-06-2024"</p>
-          <p> text="Test test"</p>
-          <p> /&gt;</p>
-        </Code>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        <p>One solution could be getting rid of the properties you do not need everywhere and create new property interfaces for all cases.</p>
-        <p>If you want to stick to more general Interfaces, you can make properties optional:</p>
-        <Code>
-        <p>interface TextEventProps &#123; </p>
-        <p>date: string; </p>
-        <p>text: string; </p>
-        <p>marker?: React.ReactNode; </p>
-        <p>id: string; </p>
-        <p>card?: Function; </p>
-        &#125;
-        </Code>
-        <p>Remember that this can lead to different return cases for your functions.</p>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all react type">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-7" title="Type 'x | undefined' is not assignable to type 'x'.">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all pipeline">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-8" title="The pipeline passed but the Wiki is not visible under the url">
-        <p>This error could be a result of a wrong base url in the vite.config.js file.</p>
-        <p>E.g. if you switched from plain HTML to the react framework. </p>
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <Code>
-          <p>return defineConfig(&#123;</p>
-          <p>base: `/`,</p>
-          <p>...</p>
-        </Code>
-        <h6>Solution</h6>
-        <p>Change the base url to reflect the correct team url.</p>
-        <Code>
-          <p>return defineConfig(&#123;</p>
-          <p>base: `/$&#123;stringToSlug(env.VITE_TEAM_NAME)&#125;/`,</p>
-          <p>...</p>
-        </Code>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all console">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-9" title="NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT error in console">
-        <p> &rarr; See also "The pipeline passed but the Wiki is not visible under the url" as these errors can be connected.</p>
-        <p> This error for css and js files can be the result of wrong <b>rollupOptions</b> in for the build, to be specific wrong <b>output</b> and <b>assetFileNames</b> options and possibly wrong/empty <b>css</b> options in your vite.config.js. </p>
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <p>In our case, we had the following code on our vite.config.js</p>
-        <Code>
-        <p>build: &#123; </p>
-      <p>outDir: "dist",</p>
-      <p>rollupOptions: &#123;</p>
-        <p>output: &#123;</p>
-          <p> assetFileNames: `assets/[ext]/[name]-[hash].[ext]`</p>
-        <p>&#125; &#125; &#125; , </p>
-        </Code>
-        <p> Our <b>css</b> options were empty, which could also have played a factor for the css files.</p>
-        <Code>
-        <p>css: &#123;</p>
-      <p>preprocessorOptions: &#123;</p>
-        <p>css: &#123;</p>
-          <p>  //javascriptEnabled: true, // Enable JavaScript in CSS (useful for certain CSS preprocessor plugins)</p>
-       <p> &#125; &#125; &#125;,</p>  
-        </Code>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all console">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-10" title="Blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff) (Firefox)">
-        <p> &rarr; See also "Refused to apply style from &lt;&lt;css file&gt;&gt; because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, strict MIME checking is enabled (Edge)"</p>
-        <p>This error could </p>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all console">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-11" title="Refused to apply style from <<css file>> because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, strict MIME checking is enabled (Edge)">
-        <p> &rarr; See also "Blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff) (Firefox)"</p>
-        <p>This error could </p>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all react type">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-12" title="Type 'undefined' cannot be used as an index type">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all react overload">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-13" title="No overload matches this call.">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div> 
-      <div className="filterable all react module">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-14" title="Module Z has already exported a member named A. Consider explicitly re-exporting to resolve the ambiguity.">
-        <h6>Example</h6>
-        index.tsx: 
-        <p className="problem-error"> Module "./Bfh.tsx" has already exported a member named 'LabTabs'. Consider explicitly re-exporting to resolve the ambiguity.</p>
-        <h6>Solutions</h6>
-        Simply rename the function in one of the modules or consider making it a component if you plan on using it frequently.  
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
-      <div className="filterable all pipeline">
-        <Collapsible id="wiki-trouble-15" title="error TS6133: 'event' is declared but its value is never read.">
-          <h6>Example</h6>
-          HorizontalTimeline.tsx: 
-          <div className="terminal-box">
-            $ yarn build
-            <p>yarn run v1.22.19</p>
-            <p>$ tsc && vite build</p>
-            <p className="terminal-error">src/components/HorizontalTimeline.tsx(67,23): error TS6133: 'event' is declared but its value is never read.
-            error Command failed with exit code 2.</p>
-            <p>info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.</p>
-            </div>
-          <p>in</p>
-          <Code>
-          const openPop =  (event : React.MouseEvent&lt;HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent&gt;) =&gt; {}
-          </Code>
-          <h6>Solutions</h6>
-          <p>Change to: </p>
-          <Code>
-          const openPop =  (_event : React.MouseEvent&lt;HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent&gt;) =&gt; {}
-          </Code>
-        </Collapsible>
-      </div>
+      {items}
diff --git a/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/wiki-start.tsx b/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/wiki-start.tsx
index 31db00771b3f8281d334404c85957fe62d69b5e1..9f2a15727801af13b8b3cc6cac1f003a56089b75 100644
--- a/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/wiki-start.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/Contribution/Wiki/wiki-start.tsx
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ export function Started(){
       <h3>Differences between React and plain HTML</h3>
-      <p>There are some differences in the syntax that can lead to errors.</p>
+      <p>These can lead to confusing errors if you are used to HTML.</p>
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export function Started(){
           <th> <code>&lt;tags&gt; </code> </th>
             <p> Most tags have to be opened and closed, but some can be only opened. </p> 
-            <p> e.g. img, br, ... <code> &lt;img src:"somesource" alt="alt"&gt;  </code> </p>
+            <p> e.g. img, br, ... <code> &lt;img src:"somesource" alt="alt"&gt; </code> </p>
             <p> Every tag has to be closed.  </p>
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ export function Started(){
+      <h3>Good to knows</h3>