diff --git a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
index 4acd50df02c23411727556f4bcf00a38f52fdfa9..523ef98984bd3781ca14e30f4f1f63b005a4c192 100644
--- a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
+++ b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ const pics: { [key: string]: string } = {
   prizes: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/hp/finalfromabove.webp",
   frontiers: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/hp/frontiers.webp",
   homecoming: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/hp/homecoming.webp",
+  bfh: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/hp/bfh.webp",
@@ -654,20 +655,22 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
     vorname: "BFH European MeetUp",
     nachnname: "",
-    pictureurl: pics['logo'],
+    pictureurl: pics['bfh'],
     job: "Team iGEM",
     affiliation: "Bielfeld CeBiTec 2024",
     tag: "Milestone",
     heading: "We are proud to have hosted the first ever BFH European Meet-Up",
     interviewtabid: "forward",
-    quote: "",
-    quoteNachname: "Köhler, Teammember",
-    quoteVorname: "Vera",
+    quote: "The BFH European Meet-Up was more than just an event—it was a celebration of collaboration, innovation, and the shared vision of young scientists across Europe. Bringing together such bright and passionate minds showed us the power of teamwork and the importance of supporting one another early in the iGEM journey. This is just the beginning of a tradition that will continue to strengthen the iGEM community for years to come.",
+    quoteNachname:"Zimmermann, Instructor",
+    quoteVorname:"Sinan",
     type: "meta",
     summary: [<p>
-    As we move forward with our project, our intention is to continue advancing our research and development at our university, striving to expand on our current findings to make meaningful contributions to the field of synthetic biology. In doing so, we aim to solidify the progress we've made while opening doors to new possibilities. Additionally, we are exploring a potential collaboration with Mattjis Bulcaen at KU Leuven, whose expertise could greatly enhance the scope and impact of our work.
+    This year marked a historic milestone with the inaugural BFH European Meet-Up, a three-day event that brought together some of the brightest minds in synthetic biology from across Europe and beyond. Hosted by the iGEM teams from Bielefeld, Frankfurt, and Hamburg, the event focused on uniting teams, fostering international collaboration, and inspiring innovation at the early stages of the iGEM competition.
-    Looking ahead, we are committed to supporting the next generation of innovators by actively assisting the upcoming team as advisors. This collaboration ensures that the knowledge and experience we have accumulated will be passed on, fostering continued success. To bring the timeline to a fitting conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported us along the way. Reflecting on the first steps of our journey, we recognize how far we have come and are deeply thankful for the collective effort that made it possible. This milestone marks not only the culmination of our efforts but also the beginning of an inspiring new chapter for the teams to follow.
+    The Meet-Up featured a diverse range of activities, including scientific talks from renowned speakers, hands-on workshops, and engaging panel discussions. Participants gained invaluable insights into cutting-edge research, refined their projects with expert feedback, and developed essential scientific and soft skills. A standout feature was the introduction of the BFH iGEM Sticker Collection Album, a fun and creative way for participants to connect, exchange ideas, and build lasting memories.
+    <br></br>
+    The event culminated in an awards ceremony celebrating creativity, teamwork, and innovation. The winning team was recognized for their exceptional contributions and embodiment of the iGEM spirit. Rooted in the friendships formed during the iGEM 2023 competition, the BFH Meet-Up set the stage for future collaborations, solidifying its role as a platform for igniting ideas, fostering connections, and inspiring the next generation of scientific leaders.
     months: "nov"
@@ -864,8 +867,9 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
     language: "en",
     heading: "Influence of research by David Liu on our design decisions ",
     interviewtabid: "liu",
-    quote: "X",
+    quoteNachname:"Kanthak, Teammember",
+    quoteVorname: "Kai",  
+    quote: "David Liu's insights into prime editing not only deepened our understanding of the technology but also inspired us to refine our approach to gene editing, particularly for addressing the CFTR F508del mutation. When his paper was published, it truly felt like a breakthrough moment—it showed us that we were working on something both groundbreaking and meaningful.",
     aimofcontact: [<p>David Liu is the principal investigator responsible for the development of the prime editing systems and his laboratory is actively working on improving prime editors, also for application in CFTR mutation F508del. </p>],
     insights: [<p>The talk and papers from David Liu not only introduced advances for prime editors, but also included valuable data for us to decide on which method might work best for our project. Because of this we decided to use an advanced system based on the PE6c and PE4 systems, both of which were published by the laboratory of David Liu. </p>,
       <p>As the principal investigator responsible for the development of the prime editing systems. The initial prime editing system was developed in his laboratory 
@@ -879,7 +883,9 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
       <TabScrollLink tab="liu" scrollId="desc-2" num="2" />
       . We were also very interested in the protein evolution strategies used to create these new enzymes called PACE and PANCE (phage assisted (non-)continuous evolution <TabScrollLink tab="liu" scrollId="desc-3" num="3" /> and the idea of using this system to optimize our planned new endonuclease domains for the prime editors. We eventually discarded this idea because of time constraints. Apart from that, David Liu presented results from his at this point unpublished paper about CFTR F508del correction using prime editing, which was especially interesting for us considering the goal of our project. When the paper was published on the 10th of July 2024 <TabScrollLink tab="liu" scrollId="desc-4" num="4" />, it actually supported some of our already made pegRNA design decisions, such as the choice of the targeted protospacer, the introduction of silent edits and the use of the trevopreQ1 stem loop. Additionally, it offered novel insights into prime editing systems suited for F508del correction, such as PE6, and optimized primer binding site as well as reverse transcriptase template lengths. </p>
-    implementation: "x",
+    implementation: [<p>Guided by the groundbreaking work of David Liu and his team, we integrated advanced PE6c and PE4 systems into our project to address the CFTR F508del mutation. Liu's research, particularly his recent publication and conference talk, validated our pegRNA design choices and informed our strategies for optimizing reverse transcriptase and protospacer designs.
+    <br></br>
+    While methods like PACE and PANCE were considered for further enhancement, they were set aside due to time constraints. Moving forward, we are focusing on developing efficient delivery mechanisms and addressing scalability to translate our findings into a viable therapeutic approach for cystic fibrosis.</p>],
     summary: " David Liu, the principal investigator behind prime editing systems, has significantly contributed to the development of advanced gene editing techniques, including applications for the CFTR mutation F508del. His research provided valuable insights for our project, leading us to adopt a system based on the PE6c and PE4 prime editors. Although we couldn't directly engage with Liu or his team, the impact of his work is evident in our gene editing approach for PreCyse. Notably, Liu's recent talk at the 'State of CRISPR and Gene Editing 2024' conference highlighted advancements such as improved reverse transcriptases and their applications in prime editing. The publication of his findings on CFTR F508del correction in July 2024 further validated our design choices for pegRNA and offered new strategies for optimizing our approach.",
     months: "jun",
     references: <LiuInterviewSources/>,
@@ -1439,18 +1445,15 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
     quote: "A biobank is not just a collection of samples; it's a bridge between patient trust and scientific discovery, ensuring that valuable biological data is safeguarded while contributing to future research.",
     aimofcontact: "Contact was established with Timm for the purpose of gaining deeper insights into the functioning of the biobank and of deepening our understanding of the processing of patient samples.",
     insights: "We were provided with invaluable insights into the quality and project management of the biobank and storage of patient samples. It was of particular interest to note that Biobank OWL occupies a distinctive position in this context, insofar as a trustee is not a mandatory figure within its system and is therefore not provided for as a standard component. However, Biobank OWL has elected to integrate a trustee in order to enhance the security standards for the safeguarding of patient data. This illustrates the biobank's dedication to ensuring the optimal protection and security of sensitive patient data.",
-    implementation: "The insights gained have facilitated a deeper comprehension of the significance of quality management in the processing of patient samples. This understanding has been integrated into our project processes, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of our procedures. ",
+    implementation: [<p>The insights gained have facilitated a deeper comprehension of the significance of quality management in the processing of patient samples. This understanding has been integrated into our project processes, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of our procedures. 
+      <br></br>
+      <img style={{margin: "auto"}} height="400px" className="center" src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/bs-hp-biobank/biobank-fancy-roboter.jpeg" />  
+      <p>The ASKION C-line® hermetic storage (HS200) series offers efficient, automated solutions for low-temperature sample storage in biobanks and biorepositories. </p>
+      <br></br>
+      <img  style={{margin: "auto"}} height="400px" className="center" src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/bs-hp-biobank/biobank-christian-kathleen.jpeg"></img>
+      <p> During their tour of the biobank, Kathleen and Christian were given an insight into the advanced sample storage systems. </p>
+      </p>],
     summary: "The interview focused on understanding the operations of the Biobank OWL, particularly in the areas of quality management and sample processing. Provided a detailed overview of biobank activities, including sample collection, storage conditions, and data protection measures",
-    text:<>
-    <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/bs-hp-biobank/biobank-fancy-roboter.jpeg"></img>,
-    <p>The ASKION C-line® hermetic storage (HS200) series offers efficient, automated solutions for low-temperature sample storage in biobanks and biorepositories. </p>
-    <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/bs-hp-biobank/biobank-christian-kathleen.jpeg"></img>, 
-    <p> During their tour of the biobank, Kathleen and Christian were given an insight into the advanced sample storage systems. </p>,
-     <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/bs-hp-biobank/biobank-fl-ssig-stickstoff.jpeg"></img>,
-    <p> Liquid nitrogen in action - extremely cold and indispensable for the deep-freeze storage of sensitive samples. </p>,
-    <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/bs-hp-biobank/biobank-tank.jpeg"></img>,
-    <p> Large liquid nitrogen tank for the safe storage of samples in the biobank. </p>
-    </>,
     language: "de",
     interview: <>
       <QaBox q="Can you briefly explain to us what exactly a biobank is and what its main tasks are?"
@@ -2232,6 +2235,7 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
       We are happy and grateful for these awards. They celebrate our project's success and show that our vision and purpose were right. Every late night, every obstacle, and every breakthrough has led to this moment of pride and fulfilment.
       These awards make us want to do even better. They show that science can solve real-world problems and improve lives. This recognition makes us more determined than ever to innovate and use synthetic biology to create new solutions.
       We see this as a responsibility too. We will keep striving for excellence, uphold ethical principles and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future. This is not just a celebration, but also a motivation for the future.
+      The <a href="https://youtu.be/Nf8ptbIbV_o">Jamboree After Video</a> shows all the emotions und special moments from our team in Paris.
     months: "oct",