diff --git a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
index 3c33bcf3ca55f86c40b82f68113425ab4aeebcc5..e10bebb1c7a546c010983b8955745cb69f84ce34 100644
--- a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
+++ b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ const pics: { [key: string]: string } = {
   joshua: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/hp/joshua.jpg",
   hammer: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/hp/hp-hammer.webp",
   johannfunke: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/hp/hp-michaeljohannfunke.webp",
+  kühnel: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/hp/hp-philippk-hnel.jpeg ",
 /* {
@@ -1237,35 +1238,54 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
     title: "",
     vorname: "Philipp",
     nachnname: "Kühnel",
-    job: "",
+    job: "PhD student in the Otorhinolaryngology working group at Bielefeld University",
     affiliation: "Universität Bielefeld",
-    pictureurl: pics['placeholder'],
+    pictureurl: pics['kühnel'],
     tag: "Academia",
-    heading: "",
+    heading: "Philipp Kühnel’s guidance significantly improved our culture protocols and experimental outcomes, particularly in maintaining ALI cultures and addressing fungal contamination issues.",
     interviewtabid: "pkuehnel",
     cardtext: "",
-    quote: "",
-    aimofcontact: "",
-    insights: "",
-    implementation: "",
-    summary: ""
+    quote: "x",
+    aimofcontact: [<p>The aim of our contact with Philipp Kühnel, a PhD student from the Otorhinolaryngology working group of Bielefeld University, was to gain expertise in working with primary cultures, particularly focusing on air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures. Given his experience in this area, we sought his guidance to ensure that we were following best practices and to address any technical challenges we might encounter.</p>],
+    insights: [<p>Through our discussions with Philipp, we gained valuable insights into the optimal conditions for cultivating primary cells and maintaining ALI cultures. He provided practical advice on troubleshooting of common issues, such as cell differentiation and culture stability, which were crucial for the success of our experiments. We also maintained close contact to exchange information about fungi that frequently contaminate ALI cultures. The expertise shared on combating these fungal contaminations was particularly valuable and greatly enhanced our understanding of effective prevention and treatment methods. </p>],
+    implementation: [<p>We incorporated Philipp’s advice by refining our culture protocols, particularly adjusting the conditions for ALI cultures to improve cell differentiation and overall culture health. This directly enhanced the reliability of our experimental results, ensuring that our work with primary cultures was both accurate and reproducible. </p>],
+    summary: "The contact aimed to leverage Philipp’s expertise in ALI cultures to improve our experimental protocols Gained insights into optimizing conditions for primary cell cultures and managing common challenges like fungal contamination"
     title: "",
     vorname: "Timm",
     nachnname: "Weber",
-    job: "",
-    affiliation: "",
+    job: "Quality Manager | Immunologist",
+    affiliation: " Biobank OWL (Bielefeld and Lippe)",
     pictureurl: pics['placeholder'],
     tag: "Academia",
-    heading: "",
+    heading: "Discussed the processes involved in the storage, processing, and security of patient samples.",
     interviewtabid: "timm",
     cardtext: "",
-    quote: "",
-    aimofcontact: "",
-    insights: "",
-    implementation: "",
-    summary: ""
+    quote: "A biobank is not just a collection of samples; it's a bridge between patient trust and scientific discovery, ensuring that valuable biological data is safeguarded while contributing to future research.",
+    aimofcontact: "Contact was established with Timm for the purpose of gaining deeper insights into the functioning of the biobank and of deepening our understanding of the processing of patient samples.",
+    insights: "We were provided with invaluable insights into the quality and project management of the biobank and storage of patient samples. It was of particular interest to note that Biobank OWL occupies a distinctive position in this context, insofar as a trustee is not a mandatory figure within its system and is therefore not provided for as a standard component. However, Biobank OWL has elected to integrate a trustee in order to enhance the security standards for the safeguarding of patient data. This illustrates the biobank's dedication to ensuring the optimal protection and security of sensitive patient data.",
+    implementation: "The insights gained have facilitated a deeper comprehension of the significance of quality management in the processing of patient samples. This understanding has been integrated into our project processes, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of our procedures. ",
+    summary: "The interview focused on understanding the operations of the Biobank OWL, particularly in the areas of quality management and sample processing. Provided a detailed overview of biobank activities, including sample collection, storage conditions, and data protection measures",
+    interview: <>
+      <QaBox q="Can you briefly explain to us what exactly a biobank is and what its main tasks are?" 
+          a="A biobank is a specialized facility that collects, stores, and manages biological samples and associated data for research purposes. Each biobank is unique in its operations and functions. In Bielefeld and Lippe, the Biobank BOWL (Biobank OWL) is responsible for the storage of patient samples. The Data Integration Centre (DIZ) stores data pertaining to these samples. A trustee oversees the pseudonymisation of data, acting as an interface between BOWL and DIZ, ensuring that patient data cannot be directly linked to patient samples." />
+      <QaBox q="What types of samples are collected in your biobank and for what research purposes are they used?" 
+        a="The biobank collects a wide variety of samples, including blood, stool, and soil. Samples may be gathered for specific research projects or for establishing a general repository under 'broad consent.' Researchers wishing to use these samples must apply to the 'use access committee,' which evaluates whether the requested samples and data can be released for their research." />
+      <QaBox q="How large is your biobank? How many samples do you currently store and how many new samples are added on average?" 
+        a="The biobank is still in the process of establishing itself and has not yet reached its full sample capacity. However, it is anticipated to accumulate a significant number of samples in the near future, with several thousand samples expected to be analyzed in dedicated sessions." />
+      <QaBox q="What requirements and criteria must be met for a sample to be included in your biobank?"a="Samples must be processed according to highly detailed protocols, and regular audits are conducted to ensure compliance with all standards." />
+      <QaBox q="Which other research institutions or biobanks do you cooperate with and what form does this cooperation take?" 
+        a="Biobank OWL has a second location in Lippe, in addition to Bielefeld. Collaborations exist with the DIZ, the Treuhand, and three university hospitals. It is anticipated that cooperation with other working groups will increase in the future." />
+      <QaBox q="What specific storage conditions (e.g. temperature, humidity) must be observed for different sample types?" 
+        a="Samples are stored under various temperature conditions, including -20°C, -80°C, and -150°C, along with the use of liquid nitrogen." />
+      <QaBox q="How do you ensure that the samples remain stable and usable over longer periods of time?" 
+        a="Samples are stored in nitrogen for long-term stability." />
+      <QaBox q="What encryption techniques or data protection measures are used in your biobank to prevent unauthorized access to patient data? Are there special regulations for the anonymisation of data and how is it ensured that patients cannot be traced?" 
+        a="Pseudonyms are created using specialized software such as CentraXX or REDcap to protect patient data." />
+      <QaBox q="What rights do patients have in relation to their samples, and how are these rights safeguarded in your biobank?" 
+        a="Patients have the right to revoke their consent at any time, which can be done at the clinic or biobank. The trustee, acting as an intermediary, will notify BOWL and DIZ to destroy the corresponding samples or data." />
+    </>
     title: "",