From 6dc768d8435773a9c8a302ea265498c87538dfa1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Liliana Sanfilippo <>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2024 22:26:50 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] teuto ruft

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 code/output.txt                               | 392 +-----------------
 .../Further Engagement/Education.tsx          |  41 +-
 3 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 432 deletions(-)

diff --git a/code/bibtex.bib b/code/bibtex.bib
index f5e5323e..11dea57e 100644
--- a/code/bibtex.bib
+++ b/code/bibtex.bib
@@ -1,40 +1,10 @@
-	title        = {
-		Near-perfect precise on-target editing of human hematopoietic stem and
-		progenitor cells
-	},
-	author       = {
-		Cloarec-Ung, Fanny-Mei and Beaulieu, Jamie and Suthananthan, Arunan and
-		Lehnertz, Bernhard and Sauvageau, Guy and Sheppard, Hilary M. and Knapp,
-		David J. H. F.
-	},
-	year         = 2024,
-	month        = jun,
-	journal      = {eLife},
-	volume       = 12,
-	pages        = {RP91288},
-	doi          = {10.7554/eLife.91288},
-	issn         = {2050-084X},
-	abstractnote = {
-		Precision gene editing in primary hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
-		(HSPCs) would facilitate both curative treatments for monogenic disorders as
-		well as disease modelling. Precise efficiencies even with the CRISPR/Cas
-		system, however, remain limited. Through an optimization of guide RNA
-		delivery, donor design, and additives, we have now obtained mean precise
-		editing efficiencies >90% on primary cord blood HSCPs with minimal toxicity
-		and without observed off-target editing. The main protocol modifications
-		needed to achieve such high efficiencies were the addition of the DNA-PK
-		inhibitor AZD7648, and the inclusion of spacer-breaking silent mutations in
-		the donor in addition to mutations disrupting the PAM sequence. Critically,
-		editing was even across the progenitor hierarchy, did not substantially
-		distort the hierarchy or affect lineage outputs in colony-forming cell assays
-		or the frequency of high self-renewal potential long-term culture initiating
-		cells. As modelling of many diseases requires heterozygosity, we also
-		demonstrated that the overall editing and zygosity can be tuned by adding in
-		defined mixtures of mutant and wild-type donors. With these optimizations,
-		editing at near-perfect efficiency can now be accomplished directly in human
-		HSPCs. This will open new avenues in both therapeutic strategies and disease
-		modelling.
-	},
-	language     = {eng}
+author = {Aswegen, Ellie and Pendergast, Donna},
+year = {2023},
+month = {08},
+pages = {1-15},
+title = {The impact of interest: an emergent model of interest development in the early years},
+volume = {193},
+journal = {Early Child Development and Care},
+doi = {10.1080/03004430.2023.2245575}
\ No newline at end of file
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index 37753205..71a70c0e 100644
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@@ -1,392 +1,14 @@
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-		<span property="schema:Name"> Cloarec-Ung, F.</span>
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Beaulieu, J.</span>
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Suthananthan, A.</span>
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Lehnertz, B.</span>
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Sauvageau, G.</span>
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Sheppard, H. M.</span>
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Knapp, D. J. H. F.</span>
+		<span property="schema:Name"> Aswegen, E.</span>
+		<span property="schema:Name"> Pendergast, D.</span>
-	<span property="schema:name">&nbsp;
-Near-perfect precise on-target editing of human hematopoietic stem and
-progenitor cells
-	<i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization"> eLife</i>
-	<b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue"> 12</b>
-	(<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime=" 2024">2024</time>).
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-	<a className="doi" href=""> doi: 10.15167/2421-4248/jpmh2022.63.2S3.2768</a>
+	<a className="doi" href=""> doi: 10.1080/03004430.2023.2245575</a>
diff --git a/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx b/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx
index df2650dd..e6f1efe9 100644
--- a/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx	
+++ b/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Education.tsx	
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import { ButtonOne } from "../../../components/Buttons";
 import {  H4 } from "../../../components/Headings";
 import {  H5 } from "../../../components/Headings"
+import { TabScrollLink } from "../../../components/Link";
 export function HPEducation(){
@@ -37,13 +38,37 @@ export function HPEducation(){
             <p>This is applicable to both cystic fibrosis and synthetic biology in general.</p>
             <p>Many people gravitate towards fields they are interested in. Awareness, exploration, and receiving new knowledge are necessary to cultivate an authentic 
-                interest, which, together with positive social interaction, forms a promising foundation for a lasting interest. As future researchers and part of a 
-                competition aiming for continuous innovation, we feel education is an important ascpect that should not be shrugged off on favor of Human Practices.</p>
+                interest, which, together with positive social interaction, forms a promising foundation for a lasting interest<TabScrollLink tab="edu-overview" num="1" scrollId="desc-edu"/>. As future researchers and part of a 
+                competition aiming for continuous innovation, we feel education is an important ascpect that should not be shrugged off under the guise of focusing on Human Practices.</p>
-            <p></p>
             <H4 id="edu-why-heading" text="Our educational activities"/>
-            <p>Human-centered design is essential for our Integrated Human Practices, ensuring that our project is aligned with the real needs and concerns of the people it aims to serve. Outreach and education are key components of this approach, as they allow us to communicate our goals and inform the public about both our project and the critical issue of cystic fibrosis (CF). By engaging with diverse audiences—patients, families, schools, and the wider community—we raise awareness about CF, while fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges involved. This feedback-driven interaction not only builds trust but also helps us refine our work to have a meaningful impact on those affected by CF. Through educational programs, workshops, and outreach initiatives, we aim to bridge the gap between scientific research and the public, ensuring that our project is both accessible and impactful.</p>
-            <p></p>
+            <p>In both "Der Teuto ruft!" and the CeBiTec Student Academy, our team focused on education through personal contact not only as way to spread 
+                awareness about cystic fibrosis, but to spread the love we have for what we do. </p>
+            <p>We are glad to have had the possibility to work with such different audiences. While "Der Teuto ruft!" had a focus on families and required a creative
+                approach, the "Schüler*innen Akademie" and "MINT Sommer" allowed us to interact with aspiring researchers who may very well be our future classmates at 
+                Bielefeld University. 
+            </p>
+            <p>However, we came to realize that "Der Teuto ruft!" may have been the more impactful event for our personal growth. It took us out of the familiar 
+                "science bubble" and into a space where we could interact with the general public—people who don’t necessarily have a scientific background. This 
+                experience reminded us how non-scientists perceive complex topics like gene therapy and cystic fibrosis. It also highlighted the importance of not only 
+                ethical responsibility but also social responsibility in communicating science. We gained and regained insight into the concerns, misconceptions, and 
+                hopes that the public has regarding synthetic biology, allowing us to better understand what is not only scientifically sound but also socially 
+                acceptable. We are confident participating in "Der Teuto ruft!" very positively influenced our approach to further communication. </p>
+            <H4 text="References"></H4>
+            <ol>{/*<!-- Citation num 1--> */}
+            <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-edu">
+                <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                    <span property="schema:Name"> Aswegen, E.</span>
+                    <span property="schema:Name"> Pendergast, D.</span>
+                </span>
+                <span property="schema:name">&nbsp;The impact of interest: an emergent model of interest development in the early years</span>. 
+                <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization"> Early Child Development and Care</i>
+                <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue"> 193</b>
+                ,&nbsp;<span property="schema:pageBegin"> 1</span>-<span property="schema:pageEnd">15</span>&nbsp;
+                (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime=" 2023">2023</time>).
+                <a className="doi" href=""> doi: 10.1080/03004430.2023.2245575</a>
+            </li>
+            </ol>
             <div id="akademie" className="edu-cycletab" style={{display: "none"}}>
@@ -74,10 +99,10 @@ Due to our collaboration with the Student Academy, we conducted the nanopore seq
 One such experiment involved creating a lung model from balloons and straws, demonstrating the difficulty patients have in breathing by having the children blow into the straws. Additionally, we set up a tank with a mixture of starch and water to simulate mucus and placed a ball on top. The children tried to blow the ball across the surface, illustrating how hard it is for air to move through mucus compared to water, where the ball moved much more easily. 
 The very little ones could paint coloring pages which we designed and printed for them. For the adults, we provided information about our project and discussed the implications and potential of gene therapy for cystic fibrosis. These conversations made it abundantly clear that degrees of knowledge on this topic widely vary throughout the public and we were happy to fill in the existing gaps in people's knowledge and exchange points of view on gene therapy.  
 Moreover, we connected with other institutions and participants at the event. We shared our booth at Bielefeld’s “Skulpturenpark” on the outside with <a href="" title="btS" > btS </a>, the life science student initiative from Bielefeld University, with whose members we had stimulating discussions as well. We were more than delighted when the city of Bielefeld featured us on their Instagram, highlighting our presence during "Der Teuto ruft!". This collaboration helped us reach a wider audience and raise awareness about our research efforts.</p>
 <a href="" title="video Teuto ruft" > watch me</a> 
-<H5 id="conclusion? " text="What is our conclusion"/>
+<H5 id="conclusion" text="What is our conclusion"/>
 <p>Despite the changeable weather, we could educate many people of Bielefeld's community about cystic fibrosis, our therapeutic approach and gene therapy in general and had the opportunity to improve our science communication for the future as well so it was a successful event! </p>
                 <div className="row align-items-center">