diff --git a/src/contents/results.tsx b/src/contents/results.tsx
index 2882e97a45b6bc8518fc891d7f086c75bf02c2fb..29f05c1faff9713e8f2322e10dab6cdecaa59f5b 100644
--- a/src/contents/results.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/results.tsx
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ export function Results() {
       <Section title="Experimental Design" id="ExpDes">
       <Subesction title="Proof of Concept" id="Results1">
-      <h4>acc. to David Liu (Anzalone et al. 2019)</h4>
           <H4 text="Proof-of-concept"/>
           <H5 text="Workflow"/>
           <p>The prepared pDAS12124-preedited plasmid serves as a positive control to validate the success of the experiment. A technical control with the pZMB938 plasmid confirms successful transfection of the cells. In the main part of the experiment, pDAS12489-2in1 and pCMV-PE2 are co-transfected. Successful transfection is visualised by GFP signals.</p> 
@@ -100,9 +99,9 @@ export function Results() {
           <H5 text="Workflow"/>
           <p>With this experiment we wanted to compare the efficiency of pegRNAs with and without silent edits.</p> 
           <H5 text="Conclusion"/>
-          <p>The FACS analysis shows that pegRNA without silent edits (pegRNA1) had a 2.05 times higher transfection efficiency than pegRNA with silent edits (pegRNA2).</p>         
+          <p>The Flow Cytometry analysis shows that pegRNA without silent edits (pegRNA1) had a 2.05 times higher transfection efficiency than pegRNA with silent edits (pegRNA2).</p>         
-            description="FACS analysis of pegRNAs with and without silent edits."
+            description="Flow Cytometry analysis of pegRNAs with and without silent edits."
@@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ export function Results() {
           <div className="figure-wrapper">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/facs-results-mechanism/bild9.png" style={{height: "10%", width: "auto"}}/>
-                    <figcaption> <b>Figure 9.</b>FACS results of all screened pegRNAs</figcaption>
+                    <figcaption> <b>Figure 9.</b>Flow Cytometry results of all screened pegRNAs</figcaption>
           <H4 text="Application lung epithelial cell lines"/>
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ export function Results() {
           <H5 text="Workflow"/>
           <p>pCMV-PE2 was co transfected with pDAS12489 and pCMV-PE_CO-Mini was co transfected with pDAS12489 in HEK293 cell line.</p> 
           <H5 text="Conclusion"/>
-          <p>The FACS results show that transfection with pCMV-PE2 as the prime editing complex had editing efficiency of 52.90% when normalized on pDAS12124-preedited. When pCMV-PE_CO-Mini was used as a prime editing complex it had a transfection efficiency of 2.54% (see Figure 11, 12).</p>
+          <p>The Flow Cytometry results show that transfection with pCMV-PE2 as the prime editing complex had editing efficiency of 52.90% when normalized on pDAS12124-preedited. When pCMV-PE_CO-Mini was used as a prime editing complex it had a transfection efficiency of 2.54% (see Figure 11, 12).</p>
            description="Microscopy of HEK 72h post transfection with lipofectamine 3000. Co-transfection of pDAS12489 with pCMV-PE2 or pDAS12489 with LV-PE_CO-Mini. Both show fluorescence signals."
@@ -144,13 +143,13 @@ export function Results() {
            <div className="figure-wrapper">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/facs-results-mechanism/pe2-pe-co.png" style={{height: "10%", width: "auto"}}/>
-                    <figcaption> <b>Figure 12</b>FACS analysis to compare prime editing complexes PE2 and PE_CO-Mini</figcaption>
+                    <figcaption> <b>Figure 12</b>Flow Cytometry analysis to compare prime editing complexes PE2 and PE_CO-Mini</figcaption>
           <H5 text="Workflow"/>
           <p>We compared the 3 different Prime Editing complexes (pCMV-PE2, pCMV-PE2_CO-Mini & pCMV-PE6c) to check which one has the best transfection efficiency.</p> 
           <H5 text="Conclusion"/>
-          <p>The FACS measurement shows the fluorescence rate cells co-transfected with pDAS12489 and pCMV-PE6c as a prime editing complex. The editing efficiency off PE6c was by far the highest (81.88%) (see Figure 13, 14). The efficiency was 1.55 higher than the efficiency when pCMV-PE2 was used as prime editing complex (see Figure 13).</p>
+          <p>The Flow Cytometry measurement shows the fluorescence rate cells co-transfected with pDAS12489 and pCMV-PE6c as a prime editing complex. The editing efficiency off PE6c was by far the highest (81.88%) (see Figure 13, 14). The efficiency was 1.55 higher than the efficiency when pCMV-PE2 was used as prime editing complex (see Figure 13).</p>
           <div className="figure-wrapper">
                     <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/facs-results-mechanism/bild13.png" style={{height: "10%", width: "auto"}}/>
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ export function Results() {
-          description="FACS results for evaluation of PE6c performance."
+          description="Flow Cytometry results for evaluation of PE6c performance."