diff --git a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
index e756a8f94acf237feae7e7a049e1e53b307fb734..a6b3b6f6ecdb36a0904283f46112311c2b9e21f0 100644
--- a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
+++ b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { TabScrollLink } from "../components/Link";
 import { ScrollLinkWithChild } from "../components/ScrollLink";
 import JoshuaInterviewSources from "../sources/joshua-inv-sources";
 import MattijsInterviewSources from "../sources/mattij-inv-sources";
+import LiuInterviewSources from "../sources/liu-inv-sources";
 import RnhaleSources from "../sources/rnhale-sources";
 import WischmeyerSources from "../sources/wimscheyer-sources";
 import { useNavigation } from "../utils";
@@ -680,10 +681,11 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
     cardtext: "",
     quote: "X",
     aimofcontact: [<p>David Liu is the principal investigator responsible for the development of the prime editing systems and his laboratory is actively working on improving prime editors, also for application in CFTR mutation F508del. </p>],
-    insights: "",
+    insights: [<p>The talk and papers from David Liu not only introduced advances for prime editors, but also included valuable data for us to decide on which method might work best for our project. Because of this we decided to use an advanced system based on the PE6c and PE4 systems, both of which were published by the laboratory of David Liu. </p>],
     implementation: "",
     summary: "",
-    months: "June"
+    months: "June",
+    references: <LiuInterviewSources/>,
     vorname: "Nicole",