From 58df3a8bead48e857f87a75396a202b2493ae1f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Liliana Sanfilippo <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 16:33:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] useNavigateTabs();

 src/{contents => components}/sections.tsx |  2 +-
 src/contents/Home.tsx                     |  2 ++
 src/contents/contribution.tsx             | 35 ++--------------------
 src/contents/description.tsx              | 36 ++---------------------
 src/contents/example.tsx                  |  2 ++
 src/contents/experiments.tsx              | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/human-practices.tsx          | 34 ++-------------------
 src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx           | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/impressum.tsx                | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/judging.tsx                  | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/notebook.tsx                 | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/partners.tsx                 | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/parts.tsx                    | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/project-documentation.tsx    | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/results.tsx                  | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/safety.tsx                   |  2 +-
 src/contents/supplementary-material.tsx   | 33 ++-------------------
 src/contents/team.tsx                     | 33 ++-------------------
 18 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 441 deletions(-)
 rename src/{contents => components}/sections.tsx (93%)

diff --git a/src/contents/sections.tsx b/src/components/sections.tsx
similarity index 93%
rename from src/contents/sections.tsx
rename to src/components/sections.tsx
index 72027fdc..5d23303f 100644
--- a/src/contents/sections.tsx
+++ b/src/components/sections.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { H2 } from "../components/Headings"
+import { H2 } from "./Headings"
 export function Section({id, title, children}: {id: string, title: string, children: React.ReactNode}){
diff --git a/src/contents/Home.tsx b/src/contents/Home.tsx
index d9ee5a75..59564d1a 100644
--- a/src/contents/Home.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/Home.tsx
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 import { FadeIn } from "../components/FadeIn";
 import { Breathe } from "../components/Breathe";
 import { Problems } from "../components/Problems";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Home() {
+  useNavigateTabs();
   return (
     <div className="row mt-4">
       <div className="col">
diff --git a/src/contents/contribution.tsx b/src/contents/contribution.tsx
index a35e3dbc..6726f6a1 100644
--- a/src/contents/contribution.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/contribution.tsx
@@ -1,45 +1,14 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import { BFHTimeline } from "../components/BFH-Timeline";
 import BFHGallery from "../components/Photo-grid";
 import BFHpdf, { GuidePDF } from "../components/Pdfs";
 import { H2} from "../components/Headings";
 import { OLDBFHStyleTabs } from "../components/Tabs";
 import { BlockQuoteB } from "../components/Quotes";
-import { handleScrollToCollapse, openNestedTab, openTab } from "../utils/TabNavigation";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Contribution() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-  useEffect(() => {
-    const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-    const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-    const tabId = params.get('tab');
-    const subTabId = params.get('subTab'); // Neues Parameter für verschachtelte Tabs
-    // Open the tab specified by tabId (and subTab if nested)
-    if (tabId) {
-      if (subTabId) {
-        // If subTab is provided, open the nested tab
-        openNestedTab(tabId, subTabId);
-      } else {
-        // Otherwise, just open the main tab
-        openTab(tabId);
-      }
-    }
-    // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId after opening the tab
-    if (collapseId) {
-      handleScrollToCollapse(collapseId);
-    }
-    // Open the tab from another page
-    if (tabId) {
-      openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-    }
-  }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
   return (
diff --git a/src/contents/description.tsx b/src/contents/description.tsx
index a4af8721..e52957e8 100644
--- a/src/contents/description.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/description.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
 import { InfoBox } from "../components/Boxes";
 import { TabButtonRow } from "../components/Buttons";
 import Collapsible from "../components/Collapsible";
@@ -8,43 +7,12 @@ import { LoremMedium, LoremShort } from "../components/Loremipsum";
 import { Circle } from "../components/Shapes";
 import { Complex } from "../components/Svgs";
 import { ButtonRowTabs } from "../components/Tabs";
-import { useEffect } from "react";
 import PieChart from "../components/Graph";
 import PreCyse from "../components/precyse";
-import { handleScrollToCollapse, openNestedTab, openTab } from "../utils/TabNavigation";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Description() { 
-    const location = useLocation();
-  useEffect(() => {
-    const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-    const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-    const tabId = params.get('tab');
-    const subTabId = params.get('subTab'); // Neues Parameter für verschachtelte Tabs
-    // Open the tab specified by tabId (and subTab if nested)
-    if (tabId) {
-      if (subTabId) {   
-        // If subTab is provided, open the nested tab
-        openNestedTab(tabId, subTabId);
-      } else {
-        // Otherwise, just open the main tab
-        openTab(tabId);
-      }
-    }
-    // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId after opening the tab
-    if (collapseId) {
-      handleScrollToCollapse(collapseId);
-    }
-    // Open the tab from another page
-    if (tabId) {
-      openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-    }
-  }, []);
+    useNavigateTabs();
   return (
       <div className="row mt-4">
         <div className="col">
diff --git a/src/contents/example.tsx b/src/contents/example.tsx
index d3b38dde..9a603727 100644
--- a/src/contents/example.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/example.tsx
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import React from 'react';
 import { Bar, Doughnut, PolarArea } from 'react-chartjs-2';
 import { Chart as ChartJS, Tooltip, Legend, BarElement, CategoryScale, LinearScale, Title, RadialLinearScale } from 'chart.js';
 import ProteinViewer from '../components/Fanzorviewer.tsx';
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation.ts";
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ ChartJS.register(
 export function Example() {
+  useNavigateTabs();
     return (
       <div className="container">
diff --git a/src/contents/experiments.tsx b/src/contents/experiments.tsx
index a87e7aeb..05bb3f89 100644
--- a/src/contents/experiments.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/experiments.tsx
@@ -1,37 +1,8 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import { H2 } from "../components/Headings";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Experiments() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
   return (
       <H2 id="heading" text="Heading" ></H2>
diff --git a/src/contents/human-practices.tsx b/src/contents/human-practices.tsx
index 569000b6..89a475a3 100644
--- a/src/contents/human-practices.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/human-practices.tsx
@@ -49,46 +49,18 @@
 import {  ButtonOne } from "../components/Buttons";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import { BlockQuoteB } from "../components/Quotes";
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
 import { useNavigation } from "../utils/useNavigation";
 import { openElement } from "../utils/openElement";
 import { HPTimeline } from "../components/HP-timeline";
 import { H2, H3 } from "../components/Headings";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function HumanPractices() {
-  const { goToPagesAndOpenTab/* , goToTextsAndOpenCollapsible */ } = useNavigation();
+  useNavigateTabs();
+  const { goToPagesAndOpenTab } = useNavigation();
   openElement({buttonClass: "tabbutton", elementToOpen: "All", classToHide: "timelinecardtabs", }); 
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
   return (  
     <div className="row mt-4">
diff --git a/src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx b/src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx
index 3410f8fa..ce2a81c1 100644
--- a/src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx
@@ -1,36 +1,7 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function igemBielefeld() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
     return (
         <div className="row mt-4">
diff --git a/src/contents/impressum.tsx b/src/contents/impressum.tsx
index 1368a8b8..dcfe7f92 100644
--- a/src/contents/impressum.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/impressum.tsx
@@ -1,37 +1,8 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import { H2 } from "../components/Headings";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Impressum() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
   return (
       <div className="row">
diff --git a/src/contents/judging.tsx b/src/contents/judging.tsx
index 37bb08eb..65979d64 100644
--- a/src/contents/judging.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/judging.tsx
@@ -1,36 +1,7 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import { H2 } from "../components/Headings";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Judging() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
     return (
         <H2 text="Overview" id="overview"/>
diff --git a/src/contents/notebook.tsx b/src/contents/notebook.tsx
index a7c02531..a123cd9b 100644
--- a/src/contents/notebook.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/notebook.tsx
@@ -1,37 +1,8 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import H1 from "../components/Headings";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Notebook() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
   return (
       <div className="row mt-4">
diff --git a/src/contents/partners.tsx b/src/contents/partners.tsx
index 01d4d1b7..219a906c 100644
--- a/src/contents/partners.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/partners.tsx
@@ -1,37 +1,8 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import H1, { H2 } from "../components/Headings";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Partners() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
     return (
       <div id="sidebarbox" className="col-1 d-none d-lg-block"> </div>
diff --git a/src/contents/parts.tsx b/src/contents/parts.tsx
index 4a0606a9..9cbcd009 100644
--- a/src/contents/parts.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/parts.tsx
@@ -1,35 +1,6 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Parts() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
     return (
         <div className="row">
diff --git a/src/contents/project-documentation.tsx b/src/contents/project-documentation.tsx
index d510479f..cfa32d5f 100644
--- a/src/contents/project-documentation.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/project-documentation.tsx
@@ -1,36 +1,7 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function ProDesc() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
     return (
diff --git a/src/contents/results.tsx b/src/contents/results.tsx
index 5fef62c3..02f75532 100644
--- a/src/contents/results.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/results.tsx
@@ -1,37 +1,8 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import { H2 } from "../components/Headings";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Results() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-  useEffect(() => {
-      const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-      const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-      const tabId = params.get('tab');
-      // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-      if (collapseId) {
-          const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-          if (collapseElement) {
-              const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-              const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-              const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-              window.scrollTo({
-                  top: scrollPosition,
-                  behavior: 'smooth',
-              });
-          }
-      }
-      // Open the tab specified by tabId
-      if (tabId) {
-          openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-      }
-  }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
   return (
diff --git a/src/contents/safety.tsx b/src/contents/safety.tsx
index acc561de..94c8849a 100644
--- a/src/contents/safety.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/safety.tsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { LoremMedium } from "../components/Loremipsum";
-import { Section, Subesction } from "./sections";
+import { Section, Subesction } from "../components/sections";
 import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export const Safety: React.FC = () =>{
diff --git a/src/contents/supplementary-material.tsx b/src/contents/supplementary-material.tsx
index 1a2d5b57..84303c34 100644
--- a/src/contents/supplementary-material.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/supplementary-material.tsx
@@ -1,35 +1,6 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Supplementary() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
     return (
         <div className="row">
diff --git a/src/contents/team.tsx b/src/contents/team.tsx
index 2b1735ab..2e4dc499 100644
--- a/src/contents/team.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/team.tsx
@@ -1,37 +1,8 @@
-import { useEffect } from "react";
-import { useLocation } from "react-router-dom";
-import { openFromOtherPage } from "../utils/openFromOtherpAge";
 import { H2 } from "../components/Headings";
+import { useNavigateTabs } from "../utils/navigation";
 export function Team() {
-  const location = useLocation();
-    useEffect(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        const collapseId = params.get('collapseId');
-        const tabId = params.get('tab');
-        // Scroll to the section specified by collapseId
-        if (collapseId) {
-            const collapseElement = document.getElementById(collapseId);
-            if (collapseElement) {
-                const elementTop = collapseElement.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset;
-                const offset = window.innerHeight / 2 - collapseElement.offsetHeight / 2;
-                const scrollPosition = elementTop - offset;
-                window.scrollTo({
-                    top: scrollPosition,
-                    behavior: 'smooth',
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        // Open the tab specified by tabId
-        if (tabId) {
-            openFromOtherPage(tabId)({ currentTarget: document.getElementById(tabId)! });
-        }
-    }, []);
+  useNavigateTabs();
   return (