diff --git a/src/contents/Contribution/BFH/bfh-about.tsx b/src/contents/Contribution/BFH/bfh-about.tsx
index 43763dba0665c018c04cea7ef14644c058fb1528..a4b80e53097bf16983c5c284963af8a86489130a 100644
--- a/src/contents/Contribution/BFH/bfh-about.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/Contribution/BFH/bfh-about.tsx
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export function About(){
       <BlockQuoteB text="This was the best meet up ever in the history of iGEM. Thank you so much!" cite="Nemanja Stijepovic"></BlockQuoteB>
       <H4 id="" text="Introduction"/>
-      <p>This year, we hosted the first BFH European Meet-Up ever. Over the course of three full days, we embarked on a journey where minds met, and ideas ignited. Our mission: </p>
+      <p>This year, we hosted the first BFH European Meet-Up ever. Over the course of three full days, we embarked on a journey where minds met and ideas ignited. Our mission: </p>
       <p className="bfh-motto"><b>Ignite. Innovate. Inspire.</b></p>
       <p>This event was designed to unite the brightest minds from across Europe and beyond, providing a platform for sharing groundbreaking ideas and fostering international connections during the early stages of the iGEM competition. </p>
       <H4 text="About Our Cooperation"/>
diff --git a/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Outreach.tsx b/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Outreach.tsx
index 05e7eccea6d475b1edd7e48f17b43aab1f369e1c..2aff02a0911852e92201abcb09e0348b85967311 100644
--- a/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Outreach.tsx	
+++ b/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Outreach.tsx	
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export function HPOutreach(){
             <ButtonOne openclass="out-cycletab" text="MUKOmove" open="mukomove"></ButtonOne>
           <div className="col">
-            <ButtonOne openclass="out-cycletab" text="waffel sale" open="waffel sale"></ButtonOne>
+            <ButtonOne openclass="out-cycletab" text="waffel sale" open="waffle sale"></ButtonOne>