diff --git a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
index 6a4e6424860790dc49082dcc22cce509d7f9074f..92e58d7ed7eab8fef4aca3a8f25025022a2636c1 100644
--- a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
+++ b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
@@ -838,6 +838,7 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
       Neurophysiology working group at Bielefeld University, seemed to be an ideal interviewee. His
       knowledge and experience promised valuable insights and advice for conducting and optimizing our
       experiments. </p>],
+    pictureurl_aim: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/hp-patch-clamp/wischmeyer-interview.webp",
     insights: [<><p>Prof. Dr. Wischmeyer taught us about the workflow of the Patch-Clamp technique. He highlighted the need
       for specialized electrodes and glass pipettes that must form a smooth surface devoid of the extracellular
       matrix (ECM). Additionally, he pointed out that measuring CFTR conductivity with the Patch-Clamp technique
@@ -862,8 +863,8 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
         Oliver Dräger, we gained valuable insights and optimized our approach to effectively investigate and
         measure the functionality of the CFTR ion channel, thereby determining the efficiency of our Prime
         Editing strategy. </p></>],
-    pictureurl_implementation: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/hp-patch-clamp/bild-interssierte-wissenschaftler-oho.jpeg",
-    pictureurl_aim: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/hp-patch-clamp/20240625-184032.jpg",
+    pictureurl_implementation: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/hp-patch-clamp/bild-patch-clamp-isi-oliver.webp",
+    pictureurl_interview: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/for-wiki-texts/hp-patch-clamp/bild-interssierte-wissenschaftler-oho.webp",
     references: [
         {/*<!-- Citation num 1--> */}
@@ -908,7 +909,19 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt>  = [
-    summary: ""
+    interview:
+      <>
+      <QaBox q="Can you educate us about your academic career?" a="I did my doctorate 30 years ago at Bielefeld University and then worked at the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen a lot with the patch-clamp technique. Today, I’m head of the working group Cellular Neurophysiology of the medicine faculty of Bielefeld University." />
+      <QaBox q="What new methods are currently available in electrophysiological research?" a="One of the latest methods is E-cis measurements. These make it possible to examine a monolayer of confluent cells and to measure the membrane potential both above and below. The change in conductivity can be analyzed for instance as a function of CFTR expression." />
+      <QaBox q="How can we proceed with the investigation of CFTR in different cell cultures by patch-clamp?" a="You can study CFTR expression in HEK cells, which allows for a measurable change in chloride conductance. I am not sure whether we will be able to investigate CFTR sufficiently in epithelial cells which you want to collect from your CF patient friend and your team members. That is something we have to try out." />
+      <QaBox q="How challenging is the measurement of CFTR conductance in epithelial cells?" a="CFTR in epithelial cells has very low conductivity in the femtoampere range. Therefore, extremely sensitive testing is necessary to obtain meaningful results." />
+      <QaBox q="How challenging is the patch-clamp measurement of CFTR conductance in epithelial cells?" a="The project could take at least one year, even for experienced researchers." />
+      <QaBox q="What technical challenges do we face in implementing the patch-clamp measurements?" a="One of the biggest challenges is measuring the current across the entire cell, as we do not want to carry out single-channel measurements, but rather record the current across cells with a strongly expressing vector carrying the gene for the ion channel." />
+      <QaBox q="What requirements must be met for cultivation and transfection before the patch-clamp measurement?" a="You have to cultivate the cells on poly-lysine and laminin and use round coverslips of 10 mm diameter to prepare them for measurement. For identification of positive transfectants, we use GFP co-transfected cells in our working group, you should think of something like that as well. A transfection rate of 10 % is sufficient to gain enough cells for the measurement. You can think of optimizing your transfection by using Lipofectamine2000, which works well for our working group." />
+      <QaBox q="Who could help us with the patch-clamp measurements?" a="The patch-clamp devices are heavily utilized in our working group, so you probably cannot perform measurements on your own. However, postdocs could support you for some measurements. Dr. Oliver Dräger is available as a contact person of my working group." />
+      </>,
+    summary: "n summary, through the interview with Prof. Dr. Wischmeyer and the collaboration with his employee Dr. Oliver Dräger, we gained valuable insights and optimized our approach to effectively investigate and measure the functionality of the CFTR ion channel, thereby determining the efficiency of our prime editing strategy."
     title: "Prof. Dr.",