diff --git a/src/App/App.css b/src/App/App.css
index 3f184b57dd943858346261dc86b3ed2a604b0e48..2d861168dea5169a3a3c4f127c2981429af6b31f 100644
--- a/src/App/App.css
+++ b/src/App/App.css
@@ -1,2210 +1,2483 @@
 /* * * * * * * */
 /* * COLOURS * */
 /* * * * * * * */
 :root {
   /* our colours*/
-    --text-primary: #850F78;
-    --mediumpurple: #bc15aa;
+  --text-primary: #850F78; 
+  --mediumpurple: #bc15aa; 
   /*--purple: #B85BD1; */
-    --accen-secondary: #F57D22;
-    --accent-primary: #F4CC1E;
-    --lightyellow: #fae99e;
-    --lightblue: #A0A7F3;
-    --verylightblue: #ebecfd;
-    --offblack: #32232C;
-    --cebitecgray: #8295A4;
+  --accen-secondary: #F57D22; 
+  --accent-primary: #F4CC1E; 
+  --lightyellow: #fae99e; 
+  --lightblue: #A0A7F3 ; 
+  --verylightblue: #ebecfd; 
+  --offblack: #32232C ; 
+  --cebitecgray: #8295A4; 
   /*--offwhite: #e9dff1; */
-    --ourbeige: #FFF6F2;
-    --darkerbeige: #e2dad7;
-    --background: #FFF6F2;
+  --ourbeige: #FFF6F2; 
+  --darkerbeige: #e2dad7; 
+  --background: #FFF6F2; 
   /*igem colours*/
-    --igemdarkgreen: #006530;
-    --igemmediumgreen: #019968;
-    --igemlightgreen: #99cb9a;
-    --info-border-color: var(--mediumpurple);
-    --vp-ct: var(--text-primary);
-    --info-border-color: var(--accent-primary);
-    --info-bg-color: var(--lightyellow);
-    --info-title-color: var(--text-primary);
-    --info-code-bg-color: var(--lightyellow);
-    --note-border-color: var(--text-primary);
-    --note-bg-color: var(--darkoffwhite);
+  --igemdarkgreen: #006530; 
+  --igemmediumgreen: #019968; 
+  --igemlightgreen: #99cb9a; 
+  --info-border-color: var(--mediumpurple); 
+    --vp-ct: var(--text-primary); 
+    --info-border-color: var(--accent-primary); 
+    --info-bg-color: var(--lightyellow); 
+    --info-title-color: var(--text-primary); 
+    --info-code-bg-color: var(--lightyellow); 
+    --note-border-color: var(--text-primary); 
+    --note-bg-color: var(--darkoffwhite); 
     --note-title-color: var(--text-primary);
     --note-code-bg-color: var(--darkoffwhite);
-    --tip-border-color: var(--text-primary);
-    --tip-bg-color: var(--darkoffwhite);
+    --tip-border-color: var(--text-primary); 
+    --tip-bg-color: var(--darkoffwhite);  
     --tip-title-color: var(--text-primary);
     --tip-code-bg-color: var(--darkoffwhite);
-    --warning-border-color: var(--accen-secondary);
-    --warning-bg-color: var(--lightorange);
+    --warning-border-color: var(--accen-secondary); 
+    --warning-bg-color: var(--lightorange);  
     --warning-title-color: var(--text-primary);
-    --warning-code-bg-color: var(--lightorange);
-  }
-  /* * * * * * * */
-  /* * * BODY* * */
-  /* * * * * * * */
-  body {
+    --warning-code-bg-color: var(--lightorange); 
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* * * BODY* * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+body {
   /* padding-top: 56px; */
-    background-color: var(--ourbeige);
-    color: #493843;
-  }
+  background-color: var(--ourbeige);
+  color: #493843;
+body.dark-mode {
+  background-color: var(--offblack);
+  color: white;
+p {
+  text-align: justify;
+a {
+  color: var(--lightblue) !important;
+  text-decoration: none !important;
-  p {
-    text-align: justify;
-  }
-  a {
-    color: var(--lightblue) !important;
-    text-decoration: none !important;
-  }
-  /* * * * * * * */
-  /* *SIDEBAR* * */
-  /* * * * * * * */
-  .sidebar {
-    border-left: 6px solid;
-    border-left-color: var(--text-primary);
-    border-color: var(--accent-primary);
-    color: var(--text-primary);
-    list-style-type: none;
-    line-height: 280%;
-    margin: 0px 0px;
-    padding: 0px 0px;
-  }
-  .sidebar>div>a>span:hover {
-    text-shadow: 5px 5px 15px black;
-    transition: all 0.1s linear;
-  }
-  .sidebar>div {
-    overflow: hidden;
-    text-align: center;
-    cursor: pointer;
-  }
-  .sidebar>div>a>span {
-    padding: 1rem;
-    color: var(--text-primary);
-  }
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* *SIDEBAR* * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+  border-left: 6px solid;
+  border-left-color: var(--text-primary);
+  border-color: var(--accent-primary);
+  color: var(--text-primary);
+  list-style-type: none;
+  line-height: 280%;
+  margin: 0px 0px;
+  padding: 0px 0px;
+  text-shadow: 5px 5px 15px black;
+  transition: all 0.1s linear;
+overflow: hidden;
+text-align: center;
+cursor: pointer;
+padding: 1rem;
+color: var(--text-primary);
+  background-color: yellowgreen !important;
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* * GENERAL * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+.relative{position: relative;}
+.absolute{position: absolute;}
+.left-aligned {margin-left: auto;}
+.zweirem{padding: 2rem;}
+.left{float: left;}
+.right{float: right;}
+.sticky-top {
+  position: -webkit-sticky;
+  position: sticky !important; 
+  top: 0;
+  z-index: 1020;
+  top: 80px !important; 
+  overflow-wrap: break-word;
+  max-height: 100% !important;
+  max-width: 100% !important; 
+  padding-top: 380px;
+  padding-bottom: 60px;
+  background-color: var(--ourbeige);
+  padding: 0% !important;
+   margin: 0% !important;
+  vertical-align: middle !important; 
+  max-width: fit-content;
+  display: flex !important;
+  align-items: center !important;
+  text-align: center;
+  box-shadow: 0 4px 6px 0 hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.2);
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* *  NAVBAR * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+  color: var(--text-primary) !important; 
+.nav-link:hover {
+  color: white !important;
+  background-color: var(--text-primary) !important;
+  border-radius: 7px;
+  backdrop-filter: blur(5px);
+  transition: visibility 0s, 0.6s, opacity 0.6s linear, transform 1s;
+  nav.navbar {
+  padding-top: 1rem;
+  padding-bottom: 1rem;
+  color: var(--text-primary) !important;
+  color: white !important;
+  background-color: var(--text-primary) !important;
+.nav-item.dropdown:hover .dropdown-menu {
+  display: block;
+  background-color: white;
+  border-color: var(--text-primary);
+  border-radius: 7px;
+  color: var(--text-primary) !important;
+  margin-top: 0 !important;
+/* TABLES */
+table {
+  font-family: arial, sans-serif;
+  border-collapse: collapse;
+  width: 100%;
+td, th {
+  border: 1px solid black;
+  text-align: left;
+  padding: 8px;
+tr:nth-child(even) {
+  background-color: #ededed;
+tr:nth-child(odd) {
+  background-color: #f3f3f3;
+tr:nth-child(1) {
+  background-color: var(--lightblue) !important;
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+margin-bottom: 10vw !important;
+  background-color: var(--text-primary) !important;
+  background-color: var(--text-primary) !important;
+  color: white;
+  background:transparent;
+  color: var(--text-primary);
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* *HEADINGS * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+.base {
+  width: 100%;
+  background-color: var(--accent-primary);
+  padding: 120px 30px;
+  color: var(--text-primary);
+  text-align: left;
+  align-self: flex-start;
+  padding: 0 30px;
+  font-size: 130px;
+  font-weight: 900;
+  line-height: 130px;
+/* p:first-child::first-letter{
+  color:var(--text-primary);
+  font-weight: bold;
+  font-size: x-large; 
+} */
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 50%;
+  left: 50%;
+  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+  font-size: 5vw;
+	letter-spacing:0.1em;
+  -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
+  -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0.3vw;
+  -webkit-text-stroke-color: var(--accent-primary);
+  text-shadow: 
+						0.4vw 0.4vw var(--mediumpurple),
+						0.8vw 0.8vw var(--offblack);
+  font-size: 3rem !important;
+  -webkit-background-clip: text !important;
+  -webkit-text-stroke-width: 2px !important;
+  -webkit-text-stroke-color: var(--text-primary) !important;
+  background-clip: text !important;
+  color: transparent !important;
+  padding-top: 15px !important;
+  background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(-45deg, var(--text-primary) 0, var(--text-primary) 2px, white 2px, white 4px) !important;
+.underline--magical {
+  background-image: linear-gradient(120deg, var(--lightblue) 0%, var(--mediumpurple) 100%);
+  background-repeat: no-repeat;
+  color: black;
+  background-size: 100% 0.2em;
+  background-position: 0 105%;
+  transition: background-size 0.25s ease-in;
+.underline--magical:hover {
+  background-size: 100% 100%;
+  color: black !important;
+  text-decoration: none !important;
+.v2 p {
+  background-position: left;
+  background-size: 0% 100%;
+  background-image: linear-gradient(#f6e05e, #f6e05e);
+.v2:hover p {
+  background-size: 100% 100%;
+.v3 p {
+  color: transparent;
+  background-position: right;
+  background-size: 100% 100%;
+  background-image: linear-gradient(#a0aec0, #a0aec0);
+.v3:hover p {
+  color: #000;
+  background-size: 0% 100%;
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* * CALLOUT * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+  background-color: var(--ourbeige);
+.bd-callout {
+  padding: 1.25rem;
+  margin-top: 1.25rem;
+  margin-bottom: 1.25rem;
+  border: 1px solid #e9ecef;
+  border-left-width: 0.25rem;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.bd-callout h4 {
+  margin-bottom: 0.25rem;
+.bd-callout p:last-child {
+  margin-bottom: 0;
+.bd-callout code {
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.bd-callout + .bd-callout {
+  margin-top: -0.25rem;
+.bd-callout-info {
+  border-left-color: #ABD2FA;
+.bd-callout-warning {
+  border-left-color: #f0ad4e;
+.bd-callout-danger {
+  border-left-color: #d9534f;
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* *  FOOTER * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+  background-color: var(--background);
+footer a {
+  color: white;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  text-decoration: none;
+footer a:hover {
+  color: white;
+  text-decoration: underline;
+/* * * * * * * * */
+/* * *BUTTONS* * */
+/* * * * * * * * */
+  padding: 5px;
+  border-radius: 10px;
+  padding-left: 10px;
+  padding-right: 10px;
+  margin-left: 5px;
+  margin-right: 5px;
+.hp-more-button :hover{
+  filter: brightness(0.5);
-  /* * * * * * * */
-  /* * GENERAL * */
-  /* * * * * * * */
-  .relative {
-    position: relative;
-  }
-  .absolute {
-    position: absolute;
-  }
-  .left-aligned {
-    margin-left: auto;
-  }
-  .align-items-center {
-    align-items: center!important
-  }
-  .zweirem {
-    padding: 2rem;
+/* * * * * * * * */
+/* * * * * * * * */
+  margin-top: 50px !important; 
+  margin-bottom: 20px;
+  padding-left: 30px;
+  box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px gray !important;
+  border-radius: 2rem !important;
+  padding: 0 !important;
+  max-width: 12% !important;
+  aspect-ratio: 2 / 3 !important; 
+  margin-left: 1vw;
+  box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px black !important;
+.village-style-button h3{
+  text-align: center !important;
+  font-size: 10px;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  color: #000;
+.village-style-button img{
+  max-width: 70% !important;
+  max-height: 70% !important;
+  padding-top: 20px !important;
+/* * * * * * * * * */
+/* * *  IMAGES * * */
+/* * * * * * * * * */
+svg {
+  max-width: 100%;
+  display: block;
+img .middle{
+  vertical-align:middle;
+  height: 1.5rem;
+  width: auto;
+  margin: 0.5rem;
+.spin {
+  transition: transform 1s ease-in-out;
+    transform: rotate(360deg);
+  max-width: 70%;
+  max-height: 150px;
+  margin-left: auto;
+  margin-right: auto;
+  float: right !important;
+  padding-left: 2vw !important;
+  padding-bottom: 1vw !important;
+  padding-top: 1vw !important;
+  float: left !important;
+  padding-right: 2vw !important;
+  padding-bottom: 1vw !important;
+  padding-top: 1vw !important;
+  max-width: 50% !important;
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  max-width: 80%;
+  max-width: 3vw;
+  clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 25%, 100% 75%, 50% 100%, 0% 75%, 0% 25%);
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* * * SVG * * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+  background:transparent
+.hone svg text{
+  font-size: 7vw !important;
+  stroke-width:2px !important;
+  fill:var(--accent-primary) ;
+  stroke:var(--text-primary);
+  /*letter-spacing:4px;*/
+  animation:effect 3s, dash 3s;
+.hone svg text:hover{
+  fill: var(--text-primary)
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+/*For tablet or bigger*/
+@media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
+  /* navbar opens on hover*/ 
+  .dropdown:hover .dropdown-menu {
+      display: block;
+  }
+/*For Tablet and smaller*/
+@media screen and (max-width: 992px){
+/*For Smartphones*/
+@media screen and (max-width: 768px){
+  svg text{
+    font-size: 9vw;
+    stroke-width:1px;
+  }
+  .village-style-button h3{
+    display: none !important;
-  .left {
-    float: left;
+  .village-style-button{
+    box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px gray;
+    border-radius: 10px;
+    border-color: black;
-  .right {
-    float: right;
+  .village-style-button:hover{
+    box-shadow: none;
-  .sticky-top {
-    position: -webkit-sticky;
-    position: sticky !important;
-    top: 0;
-    z-index: 1020;
-    top: 80px !important;
-    overflow-wrap: break-word;
+  .village-style-button img{
+    max-width: 90%;
+    max-height: 90%;
+    padding-top: 10px;
+    padding-bottom: 5px;
- /*  .fullsize {
-    max-height: 100% !important;
+  .img-half{
     max-width: 100% !important;
-  } */
-  .header-container {
-    padding-top: 380px;
-    padding-bottom: 60px;
-    background-color: var(--ourbeige);
+/*Bigger than smartphones*/
+@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
+  .col-1 {width: 8.33%;}
+  .col-2 {width: 16.66%;}
+  .col-3 {width: 25%;}
+  .col-4 {width: 33.33%;}
+  .col-5 {width: 41.66%;}
+  .col-6 {width: 50%;}
+  .col-7 {width: 58.33%;}
+  .col-8 {width: 66.66%;}
+  .col-9 {width: 75%;}
+  .col-10 {width: 83.33%;}
+  .col-11 {width: 91.66%;}
+  .col-12 {width: 100%;}
-  .null {
-    padding: 0% !important;
-    margin: 0% !important;
+/* * * * * * * */
+/* * EFFECTS * */
+/* * * * * * * */
+@keyframes effect{
+  0%{
+    stroke-dasharray:0 70%;
-  .center {
-    display: flex !important;
-    align-items: center !important;
-    text-align: center;
+  100%{
+    stroke-dasharray:10% 0%;
+    stroke-dashoffset:20%;
-  .shadow {
-    box-shadow: 0 4px 6px 0 hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.2);
+@keyframes dash {
+  0% {
+    stroke-dashoffset: 1300;
-  /* * * * * * * */
-  /* *  NAVBAR * */
-  /* * * * * * * */
-  .navbar {
-    backdrop-filter: blur(5px);
-    transition: visibility 0s, 0.6s, opacity 0.6s linear, transform 1s;
+  35% {
+    fill-opacity: 0;
-  nav.navbar {
-    padding-top: 1rem;
-    padding-bottom: 1rem;
+  50% {
+    stroke-dashoffset: 0;
-  .nav-item.dropdown:hover {
-    display: block;
-    background-color: white;
-    border-color: var(--text-primary);
-    border-radius: 7px;
+  100% {
+    stroke-dashoffset: 0;
+    fill-opacity: 1;
-  /* TABLES */
-  table {
-    font-family: arial, sans-serif;
-    border-collapse: collapse;
-    width: 100%;
-  }
-  td, th {
-    border: 1px solid black;
-    text-align: left;
-    padding: 8px;
+/* Headings */
+.revealUp {
+  opacity: 0;
+  visibility: hidden;
+.spacer {
+  height: 50vh;
+  background-color: #000;
+.hello:hover {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 50%;
+  left: 50%;
+  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+  font-size: 25vw;
+  animation-name: jumpy;
+  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
+  animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
+  -webkit-text-stroke-width: 3px;
+  -webkit-text-stroke-color: black;
+  background-color: lightgray;
+  border-radius: 10px;
+  color: black;
+  padding-left: 1vw;
+  padding-right: 1vw;
+.timeline-container {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  position: relative;
+  margin: 40px 0;
+.timeline-container::after {
+  background-color: var(--text-primary);
+  position: absolute;
+  left: calc(50% - 2px);
+  content: "";
+  width: 4px;
+  height: 100%;
+  z-index: 0;
+.timeline-item {
+  min-width: 100px;
+ /*  display: flex; */
+  justify-content: flex-end;
+  padding-right: 30px;
+  position: relative;
+  margin: 10px 0;
+  width: 50%;
+.timeline-item:nth-child(odd) {
+  align-self: flex-end;
+  justify-content: flex-start;
+  padding-left: 30px;
+  padding-right: 0;
+.timeline-item-content {
+  box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+  border-radius: 5px;
+  background-color: #fff;
+  display: flex;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  align-items: flex-end;
+  padding: 15px;
+  position: relative;
+  text-align: right;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+  border-radius: 5px;
+  background-color: #fff; 
+  padding: 15px;
+  position: relative;
+  text-align: center;
+  z-index: 1;
+  margin-top: 8vw;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+  border-radius: 5px;
+  background-color: #fff; 
+  padding: 15px;
+  position: relative;
+  text-align: center;
+  z-index: 1;
+  margin-bottom: 8vw;
+.timeline-item-content::after {
+  background-color: #fff;
+  box-shadow: 1px -1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+  position: absolute;
+  right: -7.5px;
+  top: calc(50% - 7.5px);
+  transform: rotate(45deg);
+  width: 15px;
+  height: 15px;
+.timeline-item:nth-child(odd) .timeline-item-content {
+  text-align: left;
+  align-items: flex-start;
+.timeline-item:nth-child(odd) .timeline-item-content::after {
+  right: auto;
+  left: -7.5px;
+  box-shadow: -1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
+.timeline-item-content .tag {
+  color: #fff;
+  font-size: 12px;
+  font-weight: bold;
+  top: 5px;
+  left: 5px;
+  letter-spacing: 1px;
+  padding: 5px;
+  position: absolute;
+  text-transform: uppercase;
+.timeline-item:nth-child(odd) .timeline-item-content .tag {
+  left: auto;
+  right: 5px;
+.timeline-item-content time {
+  color: var(--lightblue);
+  font-size: 12px;
+  font-weight: bold;
+.timeline-item-content p {
+  font-size: 16px;
+  line-height: 24px;
+  margin: 15px 0;
+  max-width: 250px;
+.timeline-item-content a {
+  font-size: 14px;
+  font-weight: bold;
+.timeline-item-content a::after {
+  font-size: 12px;
+.timeline-item-content .circle {
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border: 3px solid var(--text-primary);
+  border-radius: 50%;
+  position: absolute;
+  top: calc(50% - 10px);
+  right: -40px;
+  width: 20px;
+  height: 20px;
+  z-index: 100;
+.timeline-item:nth-child(odd) .timeline-item-content .circle {
+  right: auto;
+  left: -40px;
+@media only screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
+  .timeline-item-content {
+      max-width: 100%;
-  tr:nth-child(even) {
-    background-color: #ededed;
+@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+  .timeline-item-content,
+  .timeline-item:nth-child(odd) .timeline-item-content {
+      padding: 15px 10px;
+      text-align: center;
+      align-items: center;
-  tr:nth-child(odd) {
-    background-color: #f3f3f3;
+  .timeline-item-content .tag {
+      width: calc(100% - 10px);
+      text-align: center;
-  tr:nth-child(1) {
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+				fill: #bebcba
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+      /* Additional bc missing? */
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+        stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0);
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-  /*For Smartphones*/
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-  /* * * * * * * */
-  /* * EFFECTS * */
-  /* * * * * * * */
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