diff --git a/code/cit.py b/code/cit.py
index 84712b2e53ce73821d456c8009ce226737f3263c..8e9ca8b3d296506d8d7ecf78ebe3cb41d798e317 100644
--- a/code/cit.py
+++ b/code/cit.py
@@ -194,12 +194,12 @@ def miscHTML(dictio, x, out):
     out.write("<li typeof=\"schema:WebPage\" role=\"doc-biblioentry\" property=\"schema:citation\" id=\"desc-" + str(x) + "\">"+ "\n")
     out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:author\" typeof=\"schema:Organisation\">"+ "\n")
     aut = dictio['author']
-    out.write("\t" + "\t" +"<span property=\"schema:Name\">" +aut + "</span>."+ "\n")
+    out.write("\t" + "\t" +"<span property=\"schema:Name\"> " + aut + "</span>."+ "\n")
     out.write("\t" +"</span>"+ "\n")
     out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:name\">"+dictio['title']+ ".</span>"+ "\n")
     out.write("\t" +"<i property=\"schema:publisher\" typeof=\"schema:Organization\">"+ dictio['howpublished'] +"</i>"+ "\n")
     year = dictio['year']
-    out.write("\t" +"(<time property=\"schema:datePublished\" datatype=\"xsd:gYear\" dateTime=\"" + year + "\">"+year+"</time>)."+ "\n")
+    out.write("\t" +" (<time property=\"schema:datePublished\" datatype=\"xsd:gYear\" dateTime=\"" + year + "\">"+year+"</time>)."+ "\n")
     out.write("</li>" + "\n"+ "\n")
 def bookHTML(dictio, x, out):
@@ -208,12 +208,12 @@ def bookHTML(dictio, x, out):
     out.write("<li typeof=\"schema:WebPage\" role=\"doc-biblioentry\" property=\"schema:citation\" id=\"desc-" + str(x) + "\">"+ "\n")
     out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:author\" typeof=\"schema:Organisation\">"+ "\n")
     aut = dictio['author']
-    out.write("\t" + "\t" +"<span property=\"schema:Name\">" +aut + "</span>."+ "\n")
+    out.write("\t" + "\t" +"<span property=\"schema:Name\"> " + aut + "</span>."+ "\n")
     out.write("\t" +"</span>"+ "\n")
     out.write("\t" + "<span property=\"schema:name\">"+dictio['title']+ ".</span>"+ "\n")
     out.write("\t" +"<i property=\"schema:publisher\" typeof=\"schema:Organization\">"+ dictio['publisher'] +"</i>"+ "\n")
     year = dictio['year']
-    out.write("\t" +"(<time property=\"schema:datePublished\" datatype=\"xsd:gYear\" dateTime=\"" + year + "\">"+year+"</time>)."+ "\n")
+    out.write("\t" +" (<time property=\"schema:datePublished\" datatype=\"xsd:gYear\" dateTime=\"" + year + "\">"+year+"</time>)."+ "\n")
     out.write("</li>" + "\n"+ "\n")
diff --git a/src/components/Breathe.tsx b/src/components/Breathe.tsx
index 817bb5d4b6b4149af79f1b4e255df0549c24b695..cd4e5b0ab33369539222dc28f147cebb973018a6 100644
--- a/src/components/Breathe.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Breathe.tsx
@@ -47,139 +47,188 @@ export function Breathe(){
     }, []);
-    const Title1 = "Cystic Fibrosis";
-    const Title2 = "makes life breathtaking";
-    const Prob11 = "Thick mucus blocking airway and prevents"
-    const Prob12 = "oxygen absorption, leading to bronchial"
-    const Prob13 = "obstructions, organ failure an death";
-    const Prob21 = "Chronic inflammation occurs periodically";
-    const Prob22 = "due to a high vulnerability to";
-    const Prob23 = "bacterial and viral infections";
-    const Prob31 = "Heightened safety considerations and";
-    const Prob32 = "emotional stress promote depression";
-    const Prob33 = "and psychological issues";
+    const [isVisible6, setVisible6] = useState(false);
+    const domRef6 = useRef(null)!;
+    useEffect(() => {
+        const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
+        entries.forEach(entry => setVisible6(entry.isIntersecting));
+        });
+        observer.observe(domRef6.current!);
+    }, []);
+    const [isVisible7, setVisible7] = useState(false);
+    const domRef7 = useRef(null)!;
+    useEffect(() => {
+        const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
+        entries.forEach(entry => setVisible7(entry.isIntersecting));
+        });
+        observer.observe(domRef7.current!);
+    }, []);
+    const [isVisible8, setVisible8] = useState(false);
+    const domRef8 = useRef(null)!;
+    useEffect(() => {
+        const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
+        entries.forEach(entry => setVisible8(entry.isIntersecting));
+        });
+        observer.observe(domRef8.current!);
+    }, []);
     return (
-            {/* One */}
+            {/* purple */}
-                style={{ 
-                    'height': '100vh',
-                    'transition': 'opacity 0.6s ease-out',
-                    'opacity': `${isVisible ? '1' : '0'}`,
-                    'visibility': `${isVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`}}
+                style={{ 'height': '700vh'}}
+                            'zIndex': '1', 
                             'position': 'fixed',
                             'top': '20vh',
-                            'left': '20vw',
+                            'left': '30vw',
                             'width': '60vw',
                             'height': '60vh',
+                            'transition': 'opacity 0.6s ease-out',
+                            'opacity': `${isVisible ? '1' : '0'}`,
+                            'visibility': `${isVisible ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`
-                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/problems/cyfib-1.webp">
+                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/breath/textless/breath-only-1.webp">
-            </div>
-            {/* Two */}
-            <div 
-                className='col'
-                style={{ 
-                    'height': '100vh',
-                    'transition': 'opacity 0.6s ease-out',
-                    'opacity': `${isVisible2 ? '1' : '0'}`,
-                    'visibility': `${isVisible2 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`}}
-                ref={domRef2}>
-                    <img 
-                        style={{
+                    {/* Spacing Block */}
+                    <div className='col' style={{ 'height': '100vh' }}></div>
+                    <div style={{ 'height': '100vh'}} ref={domRef2}>
+                        <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>Take a moment to</p>
+                        <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>deeply breathe in...</p>
+                        <img style={{
                             'position': 'fixed',
                             'top': '20vh',
-                            'left': '20vw',
+                            'left': '30vw',
                             'width': '60vw',
                             'height': '60vh',
+                            'transition': 'scale 2.0s ease-out',
+                            'scale': `${isVisible2 ? '1' : '0'}`,
+                            'visibility': `${isVisible2 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`
-                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/problems/cyfib-2.webp">
-                    </img>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '20vh', 'left': '47vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title1}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '22.5vh', 'left': '45vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title2}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob11 + " " + Prob12 + " " + Prob13}</p>
-            </div>
-            {/* Three */}
-            <div 
-                className='col'
-                style={{ 
-                    'height': '100vh',
-                    'transition': 'opacity 0.6s ease-out',
-                    'opacity': `${isVisible3 ? '1' : '0'}`,
-                    'visibility': `${isVisible3 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`}}
-                ref={domRef3}>
-                    <img 
-                        style={{
+                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/breath/circles/purplecircle.webp"></img>
+                    </div>
+                    {/* Spacing Block */}
+                    <div className='col' style={{ 'height': '95vh' }}></div>
+                    <div style={{ 'height': '100vh'}} ref={domRef3}>
+                        <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>and deeply.</p>
+                        <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>breathe out...</p>
+                        <img style={{
                             'position': 'fixed',
                             'top': '20vh',
-                            'left': '20vw',
+                            'left': '30vw',
                             'width': '60vw',
                             'height': '60vh',
+                            'transition': 'scale 2.0s ease-out',
+                            'scale': `${isVisible3 ? '0' : '1'}`,
+                            'visibility': `${isVisible3 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`
-                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/problems/cyfib-3.webp">
-                    </img>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '20vh', 'left': '47vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title1}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '25vh', 'left': '45vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title2}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob11 + " " + Prob12 + " " + Prob13}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob21 + " " + Prob22 + " " + Prob23}</p>
+                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/breath/circles/purplecircle.webp"></img>
+                    </div>
+                    {/* Spacing Block */}
+                    <div className='col' style={{ 'height': '100vh' }}></div>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>You feel <strong>revitalized</strong></p>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>Your body and mind</p>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>become <strong>grounded</strong>.</p>
+                    {/* Spacing Block */}
+                    <div className='col' style={{ 'height': '100vh' }}></div>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>Now deeply breathe in</p>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>and hold your breath.</p>
+                    <div style={{ 'height': '100vh'}} ref={domRef4}>
+                        <img style={{
+                            'position': 'fixed',
+                            'top': '20vh',
+                            'left': '30vw',
+                            'width': '60vw',
+                            'height': '60vh',
+                            'transition': 'scale 2.0s ease-out',
+                            'scale': `${isVisible4 ? '1' : '0'}`,
+                            'visibility': `${isVisible4 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`
+                        }}
+                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/breath/circles/purplecircle.webp"></img>
+                    </div>
-            {/* Four */}
+            {/* black */}
-                className='col'
-                style={{ 
-                    'height': '100vh',
-                    'transition': 'opacity 0.6s ease-out',
-                    'opacity': `${isVisible4 ? '1' : '0'}`,
-                    'visibility': `${isVisible4 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`}}
-                ref={domRef4}>
+                style={{ 'height': '300vh'}}  ref={domRef5}>
+                            'zIndex': '1', 
                             'position': 'fixed',
                             'top': '20vh',
-                            'left': '20vw',
+                            'left': '30vw',
                             'width': '60vw',
                             'height': '60vh',
+                            'transition': 'opacity 0.6s ease-out',
+                            'opacity': `${isVisible5 ? '1' : '0'}`,
+                            'visibility': `${isVisible5 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`
-                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/problems/cyfib-4.webp">
+                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/breath/textless/breath-only-2.webp">
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '20vh', 'left': '47vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title1}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '25vh', 'left': '45vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title2}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob11 + " " + Prob12 + " " + Prob13}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob21 + " " + Prob22 + " " + Prob23}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob31 + " " + Prob32 + " " + Prob33}</p>
+                    <div style={{ 'height': '100vh'}}  ref={domRef6}>
+                        <img style={{
+                            'position': 'fixed',
+                            'top': '20vh',
+                            'left': '30vw',
+                            'width': '60vw',
+                            'height': '60vh',
+                            'visibility': `${isVisible6 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`
+                        }}
+                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/breath/circles/darkerpurplecircle.webp"></img>
+                    </div>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>Not everyone </p>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>can breathe freely.</p>
+                  {/*   <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>Breathing is essential, </p>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>but many people </p>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>struggle with it.</p> */}
+                    <div style={{ 'height': '100vh'}}  ref={domRef7}>
+                        <img style={{
+                            'position': 'fixed',
+                            'top': '20vh',
+                            'left': '30vw',
+                            'width': '60vw',
+                            'height': '60vh',
+                            'scale': `${isVisible7 ? '1' : '0'}`,
+                            'visibility': `${isVisible7 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`
+                        }}
+                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/breath/circles/fullblackcircle.webp"></img>
+                    </div>
+                    {/* Spacing Block */}
+                    <div className='col' style={{ 'height': '100vh' }}></div>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>Breathing is essential, </p>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>but many people </p>
+                    <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>struggle with it.</p>
-            {/* Five */}
+            {/* grey */}
-                className='col'
-                style={{ 
-                    'height': '100vh',
-                    'transition': 'opacity 0.6s ease-out',
-                    'opacity': `${isVisible5 ? '1' : '0'}`,
-                    'visibility': `${isVisible5 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`}}
-                ref={domRef5}>
+                style={{ 'height': '200vh'}}  ref={domRef8}>
+                            'zIndex': '1', 
                             'position': 'fixed',
                             'top': '20vh',
-                            'left': '20vw',
+                            'left': '30vw',
                             'width': '60vw',
                             'height': '60vh',
+                            'transition': 'opacity 0.6s ease-out',
+                            'opacity': `${isVisible8 ? '1' : '0'}`,
+                            'visibility': `${isVisible8 ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}`
-                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/problems/cyfib-5.webp">
+                        src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/breath/textless/breath-only-3.webp">
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '20vh', 'left': '47vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title1}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '25vh', 'left': '45vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title2}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob11 + " " + Prob12 + " " + Prob13}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob21 + " " + Prob22 + " " + Prob23}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob31 + " " + Prob32 + " " + Prob33}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '85vh', 'left': '35vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>The constant <strong>fear of suffocating</strong> makes life incredibly challenging</p>
-            </div>
+                </div>
+                <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>texttexttext</p>
+                <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>texttexttext,</p>
+                <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}>because breathing deeply is a</p>
+                <p style={{'fontSize' : '2.5em'}}><strong>privilage not everyone can enjoy</strong></p>
+                {/* Spacing Block */}
+                <div className='col' style={{ 'height': '100vh' }}></div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/Buttons.tsx b/src/components/Buttons.tsx
index a2afabedb555e1058d7e76c80704b8178a6db5df..9a5e9f5fc8942bfd27abb2f0ec9d4f83a7431f03 100644
--- a/src/components/Buttons.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Buttons.tsx
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export function Villagebutton({ title, source, page }: { title: string; source:
 export function Villbuttonrow(){
       <div className="small-row align-items-center bottom-buttons">
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ export function Villbuttonrow(){
         <Villagebutton page="/experiments?tab=heading" source="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/lab.png" title="Experiments"></Villagebutton>
         <Villagebutton page="/description?tab=obenindescription" source="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/dna.png" title="Description"></Villagebutton>
         <Villagebutton page="/engineering?tab=tab-our-cycle&scrollTo=ourcycle" source="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/genetic-engineering.png" title="Engineering"></Villagebutton>
-        <Villagebutton page="/safety?tab=obeninsafety" source="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/safety.png" title="Safety"></Villagebutton>
-        <Villagebutton page="/results?tab=resultheading" source="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/results.png" title="Results"></Villagebutton>
+        <Villagebutton page="/safety?tab=Role" source="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/safety.png" title="Safety"></Villagebutton>
+        <Villagebutton page="/results?tab=Abstract" source="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/results.png" title="Results"></Villagebutton>
diff --git a/src/components/Footer.tsx b/src/components/Footer.tsx
index a8677c4e0b27e71e3f23341107152d3a6e07c383..4a5d4b1673b882b6177f0cb60aae2718a004b060 100644
--- a/src/components/Footer.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Footer.tsx
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export function Footer() {
           <div className="small-none col" style={{paddingLeft: "20px"}}>
-            <h6>Former iGem Bielefeld teams</h6>
+            <h6>Former iGEM Bielefeld teams</h6>
diff --git a/src/components/MindMapTwo.tsx b/src/components/MindMapTwo.tsx
index 0bbf9b1b21b31095cca4a67d93a8881c7ab685a8..b690a4906b1bb34c9b3c22fb1935298b6ba6590f 100644
--- a/src/components/MindMapTwo.tsx
+++ b/src/components/MindMapTwo.tsx
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export function MindMapTwo(){
       <li className="children_item">
         <div className="node">
-          <div id="L3" className="node_text">iGem</div>
+          <div id="L3" className="node_text">iGEM</div>
         <ol className="children">
           <li className="children_item">
diff --git a/src/components/Problems.tsx b/src/components/Problems.tsx
index 9f5510fef178d097f5b0ae146116982f64fd8e4f..e2dbcfe3ebc15ed149e1a9ab7719c1504031c95d 100644
--- a/src/components/Problems.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Problems.tsx
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ export function Problems(){
     const Title2 = "makes life breathtaking";
     const Prob11 = "Thick mucus blocking airway and prevents"
     const Prob12 = "oxygen absorption, leading to bronchial"
-    const Prob13 = "obstructions, organ failure an death";
+    const Prob13 = "obstructions, organ failue an death";
     const Prob21 = "Chronic inflammation occurs periodically";
-    const Prob22 = "due to a high vulnerability to";
-    const Prob23 = "bacterial and viral infections";
+    const Prob22 = "due to a high vulnerability ";
+    const Prob23 = "to bacterial and viral infections";
     const Prob31 = "Heightened safety considerations and";
     const Prob32 = "emotional stress promote depression";
     const Prob33 = "and psychological issues";
@@ -100,11 +100,9 @@ export function Problems(){
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '20vh', 'left': '47vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title1}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '25vh', 'left': '45vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title2}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob11}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob12}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob13}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '17vh', 'width': '82vw', 'zIndex': '1','fontSize': '3vw', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Title1}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '23vh', 'width': '82vw', 'zIndex': '1','fontSize': '3vw', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Title2}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob11 + " " + Prob12 + " " + Prob13}</p>
             {/* Three */}
@@ -125,14 +123,10 @@ export function Problems(){
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '20vh', 'left': '47vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title1}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '25vh', 'left': '45vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title2}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob11}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob12}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob13}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob21}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob22}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob23}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '17vh', 'width': '82vw', 'zIndex': '1','fontSize': '3vw', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Title1}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '23vh', 'width': '82vw', 'zIndex': '1','fontSize': '3vw', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Title2}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob11 + " " + Prob12 + " " + Prob13}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob21 + " " + Prob22 + " " + Prob23}</p>
             {/* Four */}
@@ -153,17 +147,11 @@ export function Problems(){
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '20vh', 'left': '47vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title1}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '25vh', 'left': '45vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title2}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob11}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob12}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob13}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob21}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob22}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob23}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob31}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob32}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob33}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '17vh', 'width': '82vw', 'zIndex': '1','fontSize': '3vw', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Title1}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '23vh', 'width': '82vw', 'zIndex': '1','fontSize': '3vw', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Title2}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob11 + " " + Prob12 + " " + Prob13}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob21 + " " + Prob22 + " " + Prob23}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob31 + " " + Prob32 + " " + Prob33}</p>
             {/* Five */}
@@ -184,17 +172,11 @@ export function Problems(){
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '20vh', 'left': '47vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title1}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '25vh', 'left': '45vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'fontWeight': 'bold'}}>{Title2}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob11}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob12}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob13}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob21}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob22}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob23}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob31}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '70vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob32}</p>
-                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '75vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>{Prob33}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '17vh', 'width': '82vw', 'zIndex': '1','fontSize': '3vw', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Title1}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '23vh', 'width': '82vw', 'zIndex': '1','fontSize': '3vw', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Title2}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '20vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob11 + " " + Prob12 + " " + Prob13}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '40vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob21 + " " + Prob22 + " " + Prob23}</p>
+                    <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '65vh', 'left': '60vw', 'zIndex': '1', 'width': '40vh', 'textAlign': 'center'}}>{Prob31 + " " + Prob32 + " " + Prob33}</p>
                     <p style={{'position': 'fixed','top': '85vh', 'left': '35vw', 'zIndex': '1'}}>The constant <strong>fear of suffocating</strong> makes life incredibly challenging</p>
diff --git a/src/contents/Home.tsx b/src/contents/Home.tsx
index 6560dc6d7ae53c2221efacd6340a651f87bac4c8..d2cdcd30365079da95891c3fe11ec982ec018550 100644
--- a/src/contents/Home.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/Home.tsx
@@ -10,8 +10,13 @@ export function Home() {
     <div className="row mt-4">
       <div className="col">
         <div  className="col">
-          {/* Spacing Block */}
-          <div className='col' style={{ 'height': '70vh' }}></div>
+          <div style={{'position': 'relative',
+                       'zIndex': '1', 
+                       'top': '10vh',
+                       'left': '0vw',
+                       'scale': '0.25'}}>
+            <img src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/indicator.webp"></img>
+          </div>
@@ -22,12 +27,12 @@ export function Home() {
           <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/gifs/200k-anim-transparent-bg.gif" bg='https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/backgrounds/background-1-text.webp'></FadeIn>
-          <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/gifs/oneintwenty-cropped.gif" bg=''></FadeIn>
+          <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/gifs/oneintwenty-no-bg-cropped.gif" bg=''></FadeIn>
           <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/gifs/2k-anim-transparent-bg.gif" bg='https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/backgrounds/background-2-text.webp'></FadeIn>
           <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/gifs/3k-anim-transparent-bg.gif" bg='https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/backgrounds/background-3-text.webp'></FadeIn>
-          <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/treatmentnoloop.gif" bg=''></FadeIn>
+          <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/gifs/treatment-2.gif" bg=''></FadeIn>
           <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/precyse.gif" bg=''></FadeIn>
           <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/airbuddy.gif" bg=''></FadeIn>
           <FadeIn filepath="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/landing/primeguide.webp" bg=''></FadeIn>
diff --git a/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Collaborations.tsx b/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Collaborations.tsx
index 8bf8763c215fde25c2a49f85df42f6e1afd370b3..ec9083d11825569ed2c7778edd5c2f92290f47da 100644
--- a/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Collaborations.tsx	
+++ b/src/contents/Human Practices/Further Engagement/Collaborations.tsx	
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ export function HPCollabs(){
             <div id="colls2024" className="coll-cycletab" style={{display: "none"}}>
-                <H4 id="student-academy-heading" text="Student academy on the topic of synthetic biology"/>
+                <H4 id="student-academy-heading" text="Collaboration with Lingköping"/>
             <div id="Handbook" className="coll-cycletab" style={{display: "none"}}>
diff --git a/src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx b/src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx
index 4b430de15a8f4838a94cc665f18fb7a2143f4b94..dff96585ae3cc85753eb6650c702b230d807b6af 100644
--- a/src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/igem-bielefeld.tsx
@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ export function igemBielefeld() {
     return (
-      <Section title="iGem in Bielefeld" id="iGem Bielefeld">
-          <LoremMedium/>
-        </Section>
         <Section title="History" id="History">
         <p>The glorious history of the iGEM team Bielefeld began in 2010 and marked its debut on the global stage 
           of synthetic biology. Since then, the teams were composed of over 160 enthusiastic students from various disciplines, including biology, chemistry, and engineering. Their initial project focused on the development of a biosensor for the measurement of spiciness in food, which resulted in the team being awarded a gold medal at the competition. Following this successful debut, the teams continued to evolve, both in size and expertise.  
diff --git a/src/contents/safety.tsx b/src/contents/safety.tsx
index a8949a7b2350f60054e896769f6f1273237f7772..0961fe4ae492b2d612c8e6554b71024c0a713d74 100644
--- a/src/contents/safety.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/safety.tsx
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export const Safety: React.FC = () =>{
   return (
-      <Section title="Role in iGem" id="Role">
+      <Section title="Role in iGEM" id="Role">
       <Section title="Check-Ins" id="Check-Ins">
@@ -20,42 +20,42 @@ export const Safety: React.FC = () =>{
             As part of our project to develop a prime-editing complex to correct the F508del mutation in cystic fibrosis, we place great emphasis on safety at all stages of research. Our final construct will be tested in primary cultures of epithelial cells obtained from nasal swabs, isolated from both patients and healthy individuals. from nasal swabs [link primär Kulturen]. To guarantee safety and ensure the highest level of precision and reliability of our results, we have introduced a series of carefully planned checkpoints during the experiments. These milestones allow for continuous monitoring, timely adjustments and validation at each critical stage. This ensures that potential issues are identified and addressed immediately, minimizing risk and improving the overall quality of the experimental results. [link zu den Experimenten] . iGEM places great emphasis on biosafety, ensuring that all projects adhere to strict safety standards. One of these measures is the iGEM White List, which includes organisms and parts that are pre-approved for use based on their safety profile. Any components or organisms not covered by this White List must be submitted as 'Check-ins' to the iGEM Safety Committee for approval. Check-ins are formal safety evaluations that allow the committee to assess the potential risks and ensure proper containment and handling procedures are in place. Although we used some parts and organisms that were not included on the White List, these were assessed as critical for our project and submitted as Check-ins to the iGEM Safety Committee. Furthermore, we were in active exchange with the committee throughout the process. The Check-ins provide a clear picture of the biosafety aspects of our project, reflecting our commitment to safety and compliance with iGEM standards. 
             The main safety measures we have implemented include: 
-            <strong>Compliance with S1 conditions:</strong> Working in S1 laboratories ensures that only organisms in the lowest risk group are used, minimizing the risk to humans and the environment. 
-            <strong>Sterile working practices:</strong> To avoid contamination, we have implemented strict hygiene measures, including the disinfection of work surfaces and the correct disposal of biological waste. 
-            <strong>Controlled access:</strong> Access to laboratories was strictly regulated to ensure that only trained personnel worked with the genetically modified organisms and cell lines. 
-            <strong>Documentation:</strong> All work steps, materials used and cell lines were carefully documented to ensure traceability and safety. 
-            <strong>Safe handling of cell lines:</strong> The cell lines used for experiments were handled in accordance with the applicable safety regulations. This included regular checks for contamination and the safe storage and disposal of cell cultures. 
+            <br/><strong>Compliance with S1 conditions:</strong> Working in S1 laboratories ensures that only organisms in the lowest risk group are used, minimizing the risk to humans and the environment. 
+            <br/><strong>Sterile working practices:</strong> To avoid contamination, we have implemented strict hygiene measures, including the disinfection of work surfaces and the correct disposal of biological waste. 
+            <br/><strong>Controlled access:</strong> Access to laboratories was strictly regulated to ensure that only trained personnel worked with the genetically modified organisms and cell lines. 
+            <br/><strong>Documentation:</strong> All work steps, materials used and cell lines were carefully documented to ensure traceability and safety. 
+            <br/><strong>Safe handling of cell lines:</strong> The cell lines used for experiments were handled in accordance with the applicable safety regulations. This included regular checks for contamination and the safe storage and disposal of cell cultures. 
             <H4 text="Checkin for the Prime-Editing Komplex "></H4>
             <strong>Reverse transcriptase:</strong> Reverse transcriptase plays a central role in prime editing by specifically inserting the correction as DNA at the inserted nick using an RNA template provided by pegRNA. The correction of the complementary DNA strand then takes place via the natural cell repair mechanisms.  This ensures an exact correction of the target sequence. We checked the reverse transcriptase to ensure it could perform precise genome editing without introducing unintended mutations. This was important to minimize the risk of off-target effects that could lead to unexpected or harmful consequences.
-            <strong>pegRNA (Prime Editing Guide RNA):</strong> The pegRNA is a multifunctional RNA molecule that fulfils two essential tasks. Firstly, it serves as a standard <strong>guide RNA (gRNA)</strong> that binds specifically to the target DNA and thus marks the site of editing. Secondly, it contains an RNA template that encodes the desired DNA modification. This enables the precise integration of the genetic modifications at the target site. We evaluated pegRNA for its ability to specifically target and modified the intended DNA sequence. Ensuring its specificity was crucial to avoid the potential disruption of other genes.
-            <strong>Nickase Cas9, CasX, Fanzor (SpuFz1):</strong> These modified nucleases are designed to cut only one strand of DNA. This leads to controlled and precise editing of the genome, as cutting only one strand minimizes the risk of unwanted double-strand breaks. CasX and Fanzor offer smaller alternatives to Cas9, which is particularly advantageous for use in cells or organisms where space and efficiency requirements in terms of the transport system are an issue. Fanzor, being a newly introduced endonuclease, was particularly scrutinized in our project to ensure its safety and effectiveness in different cellular contexts. 
-            This prime-editing complex thus represents a precise and efficient method for gene editing. By combining these components, genetic modifications can be performed with minimal side effects
+            <br/><strong>pegRNA (Prime Editing Guide RNA):</strong> The pegRNA is a multifunctional RNA molecule that fulfils two essential tasks. Firstly, it serves as a standard <strong>guide RNA (gRNA)</strong> that binds specifically to the target DNA and thus marks the site of editing. Secondly, it contains an RNA template that encodes the desired DNA modification. This enables the precise integration of the genetic modifications at the target site. We evaluated pegRNA for its ability to specifically target and modified the intended DNA sequence. Ensuring its specificity was crucial to avoid the potential disruption of other genes.
+            <br/><strong>Nickase Cas9, CasX, Fanzor (SpuFz1):</strong> These modified nucleases are designed to cut only one strand of DNA. This leads to controlled and precise editing of the genome, as cutting only one strand minimizes the risk of unwanted double-strand breaks. CasX and Fanzor offer smaller alternatives to Cas9, which is particularly advantageous for use in cells or organisms where space and efficiency requirements in terms of the transport system are an issue. Fanzor, being a newly introduced endonuclease, was particularly scrutinized in our project to ensure its safety and effectiveness in different cellular contexts. 
+            <br/>This prime-editing complex thus represents a precise and efficient method for gene editing. By combining these components, genetic modifications can be performed with minimal side effects
             <H4 text="Checkin for Cloning"></H4>
             For our  cloning experiments and the development of our prime editing complexes, we have amplified various plasmids in <i>E. coli</i> K-12 strains (DH5α,10-Beta) When working with microbial strains such as E. coli K-12 strains,  a it's important to consider potential risks associated with their use, even though they are generally regarded as safe in laboratory settings. All experiments were performed under strict S1 conditions, following all relevant safety protocols. Below you will find an overview of the E.coli K-12 strains for our cloning experiments, submitted by us as a checkin and the specific safety measures:
-            <i>E. coli K-12</i> strains (DH5α,10-Beta): Although these strains are non-pathogenic and have been modified to minimize the risk of spreading antibiotic resistance, there remains a low risk of horizontal gene transfer, where genetic material could be transferred to other microorganisms, potentially leading to the spread of resistance genes or other traits. If accidentally released into the environment, E. coli K-12 strains could potentially interact with native microbial communities. While they are typically outcompeted in natural environments, there's a remote possibility of ecological disruption, particularly in microenvironments where they could find a niche.While these strains are non-virulent, they still pose a minimal risk to humans, particularly immunocompromised individuals, through accidental ingestion or inhalation in a laboratory setting. 
+            <br/><i>E. coli K-12</i> strains (DH5α,10-Beta): Although these strains are non-pathogenic and have been modified to minimize the risk of spreading antibiotic resistance, there remains a low risk of horizontal gene transfer, where genetic material could be transferred to other microorganisms, potentially leading to the spread of resistance genes or other traits. If accidentally released into the environment, E. coli K-12 strains could potentially interact with native microbial communities. While they are typically outcompeted in natural environments, there's a remote possibility of ecological disruption, particularly in microenvironments where they could find a niche.While these strains are non-virulent, they still pose a minimal risk to humans, particularly immunocompromised individuals, through accidental ingestion or inhalation in a laboratory setting. 
             We submitted  the yeast strain <i>Pichia pastoris</i> (SMD1163) for the protein expression of Fanzor.
-            <i>Pichia pastoris</i> (SMD1163): <i>Pichia pastoris</i> (SMD1163) is a widely used yeast strain for the expression of recombinant proteins. It is characterized by a methanol-inducible expression system (AOX1 promoter) and high cell growth rates, which makes it ideal for industrial applications. The strain can be easily genetically manipulated and can perform post-translational modifications, which supports correct protein production.
-            When working with <i>Pichia pastoris</i> (SMD1163), various safety-relevant aspects must be observed. Although the organism is considered non-pathogenic and biologically safe (S1), skin contact and aerosol formation should be avoided to minimize the risk of infection or allergic reactions. When using genetically modified strains, it is important to follow the relevant GMO guidelines to prevent uncontrolled release. In addition, handling chemicals such as methanol requires special precautions as they are toxic and highly flammable. The disposal of cell cultures and waste must also be carried out in accordance with biosafety regulations, especially in the case of genetically modified organisms. 
+            <br/><i>Pichia pastoris</i> (SMD1163): <i>Pichia pastoris</i> (SMD1163) is a widely used yeast strain for the expression of recombinant proteins. It is characterized by a methanol-inducible expression system (AOX1 promoter) and high cell growth rates, which makes it ideal for industrial applications. The strain can be easily genetically manipulated and can perform post-translational modifications, which supports correct protein production.
+            <br/>When working with <i>Pichia pastoris</i> (SMD1163), various safety-relevant aspects must be observed. Although the organism is considered non-pathogenic and biologically safe (S1), skin contact and aerosol formation should be avoided to minimize the risk of infection or allergic reactions. When using genetically modified strains, it is important to follow the relevant GMO guidelines to prevent uncontrolled release. In addition, handling chemicals such as methanol requires special precautions as they are toxic and highly flammable. The disposal of cell cultures and waste must also be carried out in accordance with biosafety regulations, especially in the case of genetically modified organisms. 
             <H4 text="Checkin for Testing in cell lines "></H4>
             In our project, we paid attention to safety at every step, especially when working with specific cell lines [link Zellinien]. All experiments were performed under strict S1 conditions, following all relevant safety protocols. Given the sensitivity of the human cell lines we used, we placed great emphasis on controlled and well-designed workflows. All transfections were performed in our own transfection laboratory to ensure a high level of safety and compliance.  Below you will find an overview of the cell lines submitted by us as a checkin and the specific safety measures: 
             The HEK293T-3HA-CFTR cell line is based on HEK293T cells expressing an additional tsA1609 allele of the SV40 large T antigen. This allele enables the replication of vectors containing the SV40 origin of replication. In addition to the native CFTR gene, which is not expressed in HEK cells, the HEK293T-3HA-CFTR cell line from Leuven carries another copy of the CFTR gene embedded in an expression cassette. This cassette contains a CMV promoter, which is derived from the human cytomegalovirus and is frequently used for the overexpression of genes in human cells. In addition, the cassette contains a puromycin resistance gene that is co-expressed with CFTR, allowing continuous selection of CFTR-expressing cells. 
-            <strong>HEK293T-3HA-F508del-CFTR cell line:</strong> The HEK293T-3HA-F508del-CFTR cell line is a modified HEK293T cell line that carries the F508del mutation in the CFTR gene, which is responsible for the most common mutation in cystic fibrosis. This mutation leads to a defective CFTR protein that impairs the normal function of the chloride channel. The cell line is therefore ideal for studying the effects of this mutation and for evaluating potential therapies for cystic fibrosis. 
-            <strong>CFBE41o- cell line:</strong> The CFBE41o- cell line, derived from the bronchial epithelial cells of a cystic fibrosis patient, is homozygous for the ΔF508-CFTR mutation and was essential for our cystic fibrosis research. . A reduced CFTR expression level is present. The cell line carries the CFTR defect and can therefore represent a patient with CF. The cell line is used to test our mechanism. These cells were immortalized with a replication-defective plasmid that retains their physiological properties.
+            <br/><br/><strong>HEK293T-3HA-F508del-CFTR cell line:</strong> The HEK293T-3HA-F508del-CFTR cell line is a modified HEK293T cell line that carries the F508del mutation in the CFTR gene, which is responsible for the most common mutation in cystic fibrosis. This mutation leads to a defective CFTR protein that impairs the normal function of the chloride channel. The cell line is therefore ideal for studying the effects of this mutation and for evaluating potential therapies for cystic fibrosis. 
+            <br/><strong>CFBE41o- cell line:</strong> The CFBE41o- cell line, derived from the bronchial epithelial cells of a cystic fibrosis patient, is homozygous for the ΔF508-CFTR mutation and was essential for our cystic fibrosis research. . A reduced CFTR expression level is present. The cell line carries the CFTR defect and can therefore represent a patient with CF. The cell line is used to test our mechanism. These cells were immortalized with a replication-defective plasmid that retains their physiological properties.
             When working with the HEK293T and CFBE41o- cell lines, it’s important to consider the minimal risks associated with their use. While not harmful on their own, the genetic modifications in HEK293T cells require careful handling to prevent accidental release or exposure. These cells, engineered to overexpress CFTR, including the F508del mutation, necessitate strict safety measures like regular monitoring and proper waste disposal to comply with S1 laboratory standards. Similarly, CFBE41o- cells, due to their genetic modifications and disease relevance, require careful handling to avoid cross-contamination and ensure biosafety.
             <strong>Human nasal epithelial cells (hNECs):</strong> Human nasal epithelial cells (hNECs) were harvested using a nasal brush, a minimally invasive procedure, and cultured in air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures to model the airway epithelium. Human nasal epithelial cells (hNECs) were obtained using a nasal brush, a minimally invasive technique, and then cultured in air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures to model the airway epithelium. Using these primary cultures, derived from donors with airway diseases such as cystic fibrosis, we were able to simulate the in vivo conditions of such diseases.  
-            Due to the sensitive nature of these primary human cells, we performed all experiments with hNECs in our S2 laboratory, where increased safety precautions were taken. This included strict safety controls, safe handling of samples and proper disposal of materials after testing. In particular, the hNECs underwent HHH (Triple H: HIV, HCV and HBV) testing to ensure that no contamination occurred during sample collection or experimentation. These tests included sterility testing, viability assessments and contamination testing to ensure the safety and integrity of both the samples and the laboratory environment. After a negative HHH test, the primary cultures can be treated as S1. In addition, the nasal epithelial cells were handled with the utmost care during collection, ensuring that all procedures were performed under sterile conditions to avoid any risk of contaminationFor this purpose, the intensive examination of ethical questions was fundamental and a constant companion of our project. The numerous results from the interviews in the areas of: Ethics, storage and training in the handling of samples have been summarized in a guideline for patient consent for Germany and are intended to provide iGEM teams with the scope, critical examination and observance of iGEM rules, international and national guidelines.  
-            </p>
+            <br/>Due to the sensitive nature of these primary human cells, we performed all experiments with hNECs in our S2 laboratory, where increased safety precautions were taken. This included strict safety controls, safe handling of samples and proper disposal of materials after testing. In particular, the hNECs underwent HHH (Triple H: HIV, HCV and HBV) testing to ensure that no contamination occurred during sample collection or experimentation. These tests included sterility testing, viability assessments and contamination testing to ensure the safety and integrity of both the samples and the laboratory environment. After a negative HHH test, the primary cultures can be treated as S1. In addition, the nasal epithelial cells were handled with the utmost care during collection, ensuring that all procedures were performed under sterile conditions to avoid any risk of contaminationFor this purpose, the intensive examination of ethical questions was fundamental and a constant companion of our project. The numerous results from the interviews in the areas of: Ethics, storage and training in the handling of samples have been summarized in a guideline for patient consent for Germany and are intended to provide iGEM teams with the scope, critical examination and observance of iGEM rules, international and national guidelines.  
+            </p> 
             <H4 text="Checkin for Delivery "></H4>
             Our finished construct is designed to be delivered into the lung via an inhaler using lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). To be more spezific a selective organ-targeting (SORT)- LNPs were developed to deliver mRNA specifically to the lung, with special measures taken to increase biocompatibility and safety. Since the LNP composition is very specific and also differs from other formulas, we submitted the LNP as a checkin:
-            <strong>LNP:</strong> These LNPs are then taken up by epithelial cells through endocytosis, releasing the construct into the cytosol. We carefully evaluated the potential risks, including unintended immune responses and the need for precise dosing to minimize side effects. In addition, we have conducted an in-depth analysis of the dual-use potential of our technology. Dual-use refers to the possibility that scientific advances can be used for both civilian and military purposes. Therefore, we have implemented strict safety protocols and ethical guidelines to ensure that our technology is used exclusively for peaceful and therapeutic applications. 
+            <br/><strong>LNP:</strong> These LNPs are then taken up by epithelial cells through endocytosis, releasing the construct into the cytosol. We carefully evaluated the potential risks, including unintended immune responses and the need for precise dosing to minimize side effects. In addition, we have conducted an in-depth analysis of the dual-use potential of our technology. Dual-use refers to the possibility that scientific advances can be used for both civilian and military purposes. Therefore, we have implemented strict safety protocols and ethical guidelines to ensure that our technology is used exclusively for peaceful and therapeutic applications. 
@@ -125,54 +125,136 @@ export const Safety: React.FC = () =>{
       <Section title="References" id="References">
-                  {/*<!-- Citation num 1--> */}
-<li typeof="schema:WebPage" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
-	<span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Organisation">
-		<span property="schema:Name">Chadwick, Ruth F.</span>.
-	</span>
-	<span property="schema:name">Encyclopedia of applied ethics.</span>
-	<i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Academic Press</i>
-	(<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2012">2012</time>).
-{/*<!-- Citation num 2--> */}
-<li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-2">
-	<span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Rubeis, G.</span>;
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Steger, F.</span>
-	</span>
-	<span property="schema:name">&nbsp;Risks and benefits of human germline genome editing: An ethical analysis. </span>
-	<i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization"> Asian Bioethics Review</i>
-	<b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue"> 10</b>,&nbsp;
-	<span property="schema:pageBegin">133–141</span>
-	(<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime=" 2018">2018</time>).
-	<a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s41649-018-0056-x"> doi: 10.1007/s41649-018-0056-x</a>
-{/*<!-- Citation num 3--> */}
-<li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-3">
-	<span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
-		<span property="schema:Name"> Ansah, E.</span>
-	</span>
-	<span property="schema:name">&nbsp;Ethical Challenges and Controversies in the Practice and Advancement of Gene Therapy. </span>
-	<i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization"> Advances in Cell and Gene Therapy</i>
-	<b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue"> 2022</b>,&nbsp;
-	<span property="schema:pageBegin">1–5</span>
-	(<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime=" 2022">2022</time>).
-	<a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1015996"> doi: 10.1155/2022/1015996</a>
-{/*<!-- Citation num 4--> */}
-<li typeof="schema:WebPage" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-4">
-	<span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Organisation">
-		<span property="schema:Name">Pugh, Jonathan</span>.
-	</span>
-	<span property="schema:name">Autonomy, Rationality, and Contemporary Bioethics.</span>
-	<i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Oxford University PressOxford</i>
-	(<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>).
+                    {/* <!-- Citation num 1--> */}
+                    <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                    <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                    <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                     {/* <!-- Citation num 2--> */}
+                     <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                     {/* <!-- Citation num 3--> */}
+                     <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                     {/* <!-- Citation num 4--> */}
+                     <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                     {/* <!-- Citation num 5--> */}
+                     <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                     {/* <!-- Citation num 6--> */}
+                     <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                     {/* <!-- Citation num 7--> */}
+                     <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                    {/* <!-- Citation num 8--> */}
+                    <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                {/* <!-- Citation num 9--> */}
+                <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
+                    {/* <!-- Citation num 10--> */}
+                    <li typeof="schema:ScolarlyArticle" role="doc-biblioentry" property="schema:citation" id="desc-1">
+                        <span property="schema:author" typeof="schema:Person">
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Scotet, V.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Gutierrez, H.</span>,
+                            <span property="schema:Name">Farrell, P. </span>
+                        </span>
+                        <span property="schema:name">Newborn Screening for CF across the Globe—Where Is It Worthwhile? </span>
+                        <i property="schema:publisher" typeof="schema:Organization">Int J Neonatal Screen </i>
+                        <b property="issueNumber" typeof="PublicationIssue">6</b>,
+                        (<time property="schema:datePublished" datatype="xsd:gYear" dateTime="2020">2020</time>). 
+                        <a className="doi" href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ijn6010018"> doi: 10.3390/ijn6010018</a>
+                    </li>
diff --git a/src/contents/team.tsx b/src/contents/team.tsx
index 06999a35f26fe2020afd5d307a2a5d7599e1bad2..865f45ecb6e35060db175d8ee8df4de00467fdfe 100644
--- a/src/contents/team.tsx
+++ b/src/contents/team.tsx
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import { Section } from "../components/sections";
 export function Team() {
   let teambriefe = createSteckbriefe(teammembers); 
-  let advisorbriefe = createSteckbriefe(advisors); 
-  let sinan = createSteckbriefe(instructor); 
+  let advisorbriefe = createPiSteckbriefe(advisors); 
+  let sinan = createPiSteckbriefe(instructor); 
   let pibriefe = createPiSteckbriefe(pis)
   return (
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ function createSteckbriefe(data: Array<SteckbriefInterface>){
     let picture = <div className="col-2 lnp center"><img src={data[index].zweitfoto} style={{display: "none"}} className={"img team-img "+backbriefclass}/><img src={data[index].hauptfoto} className={"img team-img "+frontbriefclass}></img></div> 
     let namerow = <div className="row"><div className="team-name"> {title} {data[index].vorname} {data[index].nachname} <span className="pronouns"> ({data[index].pronouns}) </span> </div>  <div className="col"> <a href={data[index].linkedinurl}> <img className="team-socials" src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/linkedin.png" /> </a></div> </div>; 
-    let frontparagraph = <div className={"row " + frontbriefclass}> <h6>Why I took part in iGem</h6> {why} </div> ; 
+    let frontparagraph = <div className={"row " + frontbriefclass}> <h6>Why I took part in iGEM</h6> {why} </div> ; 
     let facts = <div className={frontbriefclass}><div className=""> <b>Age:</b> {data[index].age} </div> <br/> {headof} <div> <b>Part of:</b> {jobs}</div> <br/> <div className=""> <b>Major:</b> {data[index].studiengang} </div> <br/> <div className=""> <b>Scientific interests:</b> {data[index].scientificinterests} </div> </div>; 
     let backbutton =  <div className={backbriefclass} style={{display: "none"}}>   <div className="parent-button"><button onClick={flipBack(thename)} className="frontbutton">Click me</button></div></div>
     let funfactlist = <div className={backbriefclass} style={{display: "none"}}><b>Funfacts: </b><ul> {funfacts}</ul></div>
-    let favmusic = <><h6>Favourite music:</h6><p>{data[index].favlabmusic}</p></>
+    let favmusic = <><h6>Favourite lab music:</h6><p>{data[index].favlabmusic}</p></>
     let hobbielist = <><h6>Hobbies:</h6> <p> {hobbs} </p></>
     let backparagraph = <div className={"row "+backbriefclass} style={{display: "none"}}>{favmusic}{hobbielist}</div> 
     let paragraphs = <div className="steckbody"> {frontparagraph} {backparagraph} </div>
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ function createPiSteckbriefe(data: Array<SteckbriefInterface>){
     // Conditional head of
     var headof = <></>; 
-      var headof = <><div className=""> <b>iGem-Job:</b> {data[index].headof} </div> <br/></>; 
+      var headof = <><div className=""> <b>iGEM-Job:</b> {data[index].headof} </div> <br/></>; 
     // Jobs
     var jobs = ""; 
@@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ function createPiSteckbriefe(data: Array<SteckbriefInterface>){
     let picture = <div className="col-2 lnp center"><img src={data[index].zweitfoto} style={{display: "none"}} className={"img team-img "+backbriefclass}/><img src={data[index].hauptfoto} className={"img team-img "+frontbriefclass}></img></div> 
     let namerow = <div className="row"><div className="team-name"> {title} {data[index].vorname} {data[index].nachname} <span className="pronouns"> ({data[index].pronouns}) </span> </div>  <div className="col"> <a href={data[index].linkedinurl}> <img className="team-socials" src="https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/design/icons/linkedin.png" /> </a></div> </div>; 
-    let frontparagraph = <div className={"row " + frontbriefclass}> <h6>Why I took part in iGem</h6> {why} </div> ; 
+    let frontparagraph = <div className={"row " + frontbriefclass}> <h6>Why I took part in iGEM</h6> {why} </div> ; 
     let facts = <div className={frontbriefclass}><div className=""> <b>Age:</b> {data[index].age} </div> <br/> {headof} <div> <b>Affiliation:</b> {jobs}</div> <br/> <div className=""> <b>Regular Job:</b> {data[index].studiengang} </div> <br/> <div className=""> <b>Scientific interests:</b> {data[index].scientificinterests} </div> </div>; 
     let backbutton =  <div className={backbriefclass} style={{display: "none"}}>   <div className="parent-button"><button onClick={flipBack(thename)} className="frontbutton">Click me</button></div></div>
     let funfactlist = <div className={backbriefclass} style={{display: "none"}}><b>Funfacts: </b><ul> {funfacts}</ul></div>
-    let favmusic = <><h6>Favourite music:</h6><p>{data[index].favlabmusic}</p></>
+    let favmusic = <><h6>Favourite lab music:</h6><p>{data[index].favlabmusic}</p></>
     let hobbielist = <><h6>Hobbies:</h6> <p> {hobbs} </p></>
     let backparagraph = <div className={"row "+backbriefclass} style={{display: "none"}}>{favmusic}{hobbielist}</div> 
     let paragraphs = <div className="steckbody"> {frontparagraph} {backparagraph} </div>
diff --git a/src/data/drug-data.tsx b/src/data/drug-data.tsx
index f390e6022c0e39058eb2df021995d0a012764549..6f4bdc6f8f249433e09fd2eb4d9385e407290bf5 100644
--- a/src/data/drug-data.tsx
+++ b/src/data/drug-data.tsx
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ export const drugdata: (Array<DrugDatensatz>)  = [
         introduction: "",
         examples: [
-                title: "",
-                text: "string"
+                title: "Introduction",
+                text: "CFTR modulators represent a significant advancement in CF treatment since they are small molecules improving the function of the defective CFTR protein in a mutation-specific way, which helps restore chloride ion transport across cell membranes. Notable pharmaceutical agents include Trikafta®, Symdeko®, Orkambi® and Kalydeco® [1]. These medications have been demonstrated to significantly improve lung function and reduce pulmonary exacerbations. However, they are expensive and may cause side effects such as liver enzyme elevations and cataracts in pediatric patients [2]. Furthermore, they are not suitable for all CF patients since only mutations which produce a CFTR channel can be supported by CFTR modulators, not those mutations which lead to a missing CFTR channel (knock out) [1], e.g. stop-mutations including p.Arg553Ter or p.Gly542Ter [3]. "
                 title: "",
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ export const drugdata: (Array<DrugDatensatz>)  = [
         examples: [
                 title: "",
-                text: "string"
+                text: "Hallo hier soltle text stehen"
                 title: "",
-                text: "string"
+                text: "Moin"
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ export const drugdata: (Array<DrugDatensatz>)  = [
         examples: [
                 title: "",
-                text: "string"
+                text: "test"
                 title: "",
-                text: "string"
+                text: "test2"
diff --git a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
index 51b41c438dccba9ef09e6b3d15aada30345e1f27..8446531f816d13ddb475bce39641a0fdd50e7a8e 100644
--- a/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
+++ b/src/data/hptimelinedata.tsx
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt> = [
     cardtext: "",
     quote: "",
     aimofcontact: "",
     insights: "",
     implementation: "",
     type: "meta"
@@ -138,10 +137,36 @@ export const timelinedata: Array<TimelineDatenpunkt> = [
     cardtext: "",
     language: "de",
     quote: "",
-    aimofcontact: "",
-    insights: "",
-    implementation: ""
+    aimofcontact: [<p>When cystic fibrosis came up as a possible topic, we reached out to a teammate's friend Max in the hopes of getting insights into the needs of CF patients and current treatments to verify the need for further treatment options.
+      Since he was much more enthusiastic and open for discussion than we dared to hope, we extended our exchanges into the realms of the reality of life for CF patients, possible progressions, organizations and doctors in our area and his personal perspectives and values.
+      The interest in meeting him grew in the whole team and we invited him to one of our meetings.   </p>],
+    insights: [ <><p>His honest and open answers to us, mostly nothing more than strangers to him, were touching and let the seriousness of cystic fibrosis set in. Learning about the challenges he faced felt heavy, besides him being relatively healthy and having a good life quality as a CF patient.   
+    </p>
+    <p>Additional to the interpersonal effects of our discussion, Max gave us the reasons to continue with gene therapy approach while focusing on the lung:
+      Modulators do not erase all symptoms 
+      There is a keen interest for new treatments in the CF community 
+      The lung function is most affected for most patients
+      The immense impact of treatments on the life quality  </p>
+    <p>We learned a lot of new things that we did not consider before about cystic fibrosis such as:
+      The need for a calorie rich diet and digestive problems 
+      The frequency of checkups needed 
+      How vastly different the progressions can be  
+      The increased need for hygiene
+      The high price of medicines and induvial therapeutics </p>
+    <p>Afterwards, we reflected on the discussion and asked our team members what stuck with them: 
+      “How much attention has to be paid to everything in everyday life, I hadn't even thought about problems at the hairdresser.”
+      “Simply that he was there and reported everything in such detail. From minute 1, I had permanent goosebumps because I was so moved by this story. I think it's great how he stands his ground in life, does what he wants to do and what defines him as a person. It didn't seem as if his life was determined by CF. I somehow expected it to be different, even if that sounds a bit silly.” 
+      “The amount of medication and how expensive it is.” 
+      "The statement that left the biggest impression for me was when Max was telling about a friend of his and fellow cystic fibrosis patient who caught a fungi infection which he now cannot get rid of anymore, showing how fast a seemingly little infection can change the life of a cystic fibrosis patient for the worse without any kind of warning.” 
+      “The variance in the extent of the limitations of the disease in different patients, including how the disease differs in its severity, even in patients of the same age.” 
+      “How positively and calmly Max deals with his illness but has also pointed out that he is lucky, and that other people are much worse off - how much you have to pay attention to little things that you wouldn't have expected as a healthy person.” </p>
+        </>],
+    implementation: [<> <p>This most important aspect of this meeting was less an insight, but the fact Max helped us to put a face to an abstract idea. Many of our ideas were interesting and adventurous but meeting him put a lot into perspective. </p>
+      <p>Our focus shifted to the safety of our creation. When coming up with ideas, we asked ourselves,
+        Is this idea a promising or an interesting one?
+        Would it be thrilling to create or benefit patients?   </p>
+    <p>Due to this, Max had a profound influence on our project from the beginning and is the main reason why we chose Integrated Human Practices and Safety & Security as our special prizes. Only after this discussion did we decide on targeting the lung instead of the pancreas and discarded the idea of a diagnostic approach. He did not only give us important information but most importantly personal investment into our project.  </p></>],
+    pictureurl_implementation: "",
     title: "XXX",
diff --git a/src/data/steckbriefe.ts b/src/data/steckbriefe.ts
index 4c4716970e744f8bab0273a25c73c71ba59b52d9..bd7f4c248e405fa983a44d23227678170e4aa1c1 100644
--- a/src/data/steckbriefe.ts
+++ b/src/data/steckbriefe.ts
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         vorname: "Asal Sahami", 
         nachname: "Moghaddam", 
         age: "24",
-        favlabmusic: "XXX",
+        favlabmusic: "Music by Malte Marten",
         linkedinurl: "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ asal-sahami-moghaddam-665302315",
         hauptfoto: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/team-photos/asal-1-7-11zon.webp",
         zweitfoto: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/team-photos/asal-2-8-11zon.webp",
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         studiengang: "M.Sc. Cellular Biochemistry",
         igemjob: ["Wet lab", "Mechanism", "Biosafety"],
         whyigem: [
-            "To get to know new people with the same interests from different disciplines and to work together on a great project", 
-            "Mistakes and setbacks are part of it, otherwise it becomes boring and monotonous",
+            "To get to know new people with the same interests from different disciplines and to work together on a great project.", 
+            "Mistakes and setbacks are part of it, otherwise it becomes boring and monotonous.",
         bestpart: [
             "Working together as a team with a lot of fun on creative approaches",
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
            "To live up to the responsibility and to keep going even if nothing works out again"
         funfacts: [
-            "I love all activities that have to do with water/the ocean.", "I always see the good even when everything speaks against it "
+            "I love all activities that have to do with water/the ocean", "I always see the good even when everything speaks against it "
         favlabmusic: "There's nothing better than a relaxed, groovy techno set in the morning when you're starting work",
         islands: [
@@ -199,9 +199,11 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         onechange: [
             "More people in science",
-        hobbies:  [
-            "Diving, swimming, hiking",
-                ],
+        hobbies:   [
+            "TDiving",
+            "swimming",
+            "hiking",
+        ],
         scientificinterests: "Clinical Biochemistry, Medical Biology, Phatobiochemistry and Signalling Pathways",
@@ -218,8 +220,8 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         headof: "Sponsoring and Cell Culture (Cell lines)",
         igemjob: ["Wet lab", "Delivery", "Creativity"],
         whyigem: [
-            "It's great to be part of a project from the formation of the idea until the final results, so you can contribute with your work but also gain new experiences", 
-            "Because I want to be part of a dedicated team of young scientists and follow a project from the idea to the final result with all its' challenges",
+            "It's great to be part of a project from the formation of the idea until the final results, so you can contribute with your work but also gain new experiences.", 
+            "Because I want to be part of a dedicated team of young scientists and follow a project from the idea to the final result with all its' challenges.",
         bestpart: [
             "Learning new techniques in the lab", 
@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         funfacts: [
             "Can't decide if I'm left- or right-handed",
-            "a fortune cookie once told me the future holds significant data",
+            "A fortune cookie once told me the future holds significant data",
         favlabmusic: "Disney songs sung by Kaya",
         islands: [
@@ -259,10 +261,10 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         studiengang:  "B.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology",
         igemjob: ["Mechanism", "Biosafety", "Sponsoring"],
         whyigem: [
-            "The best way to apply theoretical knowledge is through hands-on projects. Taking part in iGEM has allowed me to learn more than I ever would have in the same amount of time at university",
-            "Finding out if a career in academia is something for me",
-            "Being part of a cool project where I can learn a ton of things along the way",
-            "The certainty that there must be a way.... but stubbornness definitely helps",
+            "The best way to apply theoretical knowledge is through hands-on projects. Taking part in iGEM has allowed me to learn more than I ever would have in the same amount of time at university.",
+            "Finding out if a career in academia is something for me.",
+            "Being part of a cool project where I can learn a ton of things along the way.",
+            "The certainty that there must be a way.... but stubbornness definitely helps.",
         /* whyigem: [
             "The best way to apply theoretical knowledge is through hands-on projects. Taking part in iGEM has allowed me to learn more than I ever would have in the same amount of time at university",
@@ -271,7 +273,8 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
             "The certainty that there must be a way.... but stubbornness definitely helps",
         ],  */
         bestpart: [
-            "Learning new techniques in the lab", 
+            "When something meticulously thought out and planned works as intended in the laboratory", 
+            "And to experience this together with the team",
         biggestchallenge: [
             "Getting a team of very different people with different schedules and lifes to work together effectively and efficiently on something",
@@ -307,8 +310,8 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         headof: "Cell Culture (Primary Cells)",
         igemjob: ["Wet lab", "Mechanism", "Biosafety", "Human Practice", "Public Outreach"],
         whyigem: [
-            "I want to acquire new skills and develop my character. Moreover working on an exciting project alongside passionate researchers enables meaningful contributions to be made",
-            "It's my enthusiasm for working in the lab and and my strong ambition that drives me personally"
+            "I want to acquire new skills and develop my character. Moreover working on an exciting project alongside passionate researchers enables meaningful contributions to be made.",
+            "It's my enthusiasm for working in the lab and and my strong ambition that drives me personally."
         bestpart: [
             "Lab time and of course our wonderful team",
@@ -328,9 +331,9 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hobbies:  [
-            "Horse riding",
-            "Photography",
-            "Baking"
+            "horse riding",
+            "photography",
+            "baking"
         scientificinterests: "(Bio-)Medical Research",
@@ -346,24 +349,24 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         pronouns: "she/her",
         studiengang:  "M.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology",
         headof: "Human Practice",
-        igemjob: ["Wet lab", "Delivery", "Mechanism", "Human Practice", "Public Outreach"],
+        igemjob: ["Wet lab", "Delivery", "Mechanism", "Public Outreach"],
         whyigem: [
-            "I wanted to be part of an incredible team implementing a large and significant project together", 
+            "I wanted to be part of an incredible team implementing a large and significant project together.", 
             "iGEM is for me an opportunity to actively shape the next steps in biotechnology and thus make a contribution that goes beyond the competition.",
-            "Challenges in the lab and research are also just thorny opportunities",
+            "Challenges in the lab and research are also just thorny opportunities.",
         bestpart: [
-            "My favorite part of iGEM is learning a lot about scientific research, handling stress and working in a wonderful team on one page together to achieve our goal",
-            "I want to be part of a incredible team implementing a large and significant project together",
+            "Learning a lot about scientific research, handling stress and working in the lab",
+            "Working in a team, implementing a large and significant project together to achieve our goal",
         biggestchallenge: [
-            "The biggest challenge is time management. It is quite difficult to manage all the different aspects of the project"
+            "The biggest challenge is time management, beacuse it is quite difficult to manage all the different aspects of the project"
         funfacts: [
             "I tend to say yes to everything",
             "My friends are often impressed by how I squeeze so many projects into my life",
-            "I love travelling and have lived in South America, Sweden and Spain",
+            "I love travelling and have lived abroad in South America, Sweden and Spain",
         favlabmusic: "I like to listen to french café music to prepare for the grand jamboree in paris",
         islands: [
@@ -374,12 +377,12 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hobbies:  [
             "Spending time with my friends",
-            "Volunteering",
-            "Swimming",
-            "Cooking",
-            "Backing",
-            "Handicraft",
-            "Traveling around the world",
+            "volunteering",
+            "swimming",
+            "cooking",
+            "backing",
+            "handicraft",
+            "traveling around the world",
         scientificinterests: "Plants, Gene Editing and Climate Change",
@@ -395,9 +398,9 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         pronouns: "she/her",
         studiengang:  "B.Sc. Bioinformatics and Genome Research",
         headof: "Wiki",
-        igemjob: ["wiki", "Human Practices", "Public Engagement"],
+        igemjob: [ "Human Practices", "Public Engagement"],
         whyigem: [
-            "I am very curious and like projects",
+            "I am very curious and like projects.",
         islands: "XXX",
         bestpart: [
@@ -433,22 +436,23 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         zweitfoto: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/team-photos/lisa-2-4-11zon.webp",
         pronouns: "she/her",
         studiengang:  "M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology",
-        igemjob: ["XXX"],
+        igemjob: ["Delivery", "Creativity"],
         whyigem: [
-            "My motivation for iGEM comes from the excitement of tackling real world problems through innovative synthetic biology solutions, alongside a global community of passionate scientists",
-            "The opportunity to showcase our work at the iGEM Giant Jamboree and potentially make a meaningful impact on the world",
-            "I just have a very high frustration tolerace",
+            "My motivation for iGEM comes from the excitement of tackling real world problems through innovative synthetic biology solutions, alongside a global community of passionate scientists.",
+            "The opportunity to showcase our work at the iGEM Giant Jamboree and potentially make a meaningful impact on the world.",
+            "I just have a very high frustration tolerace.",
         bestpart: [
-            "XXX",
+            "Our Team",
         biggestchallenge: [
-            "XXX",
+            "Finishing everything in such a small time frame ",
+            "Long working hours in the lab",
         funfacts: [
-            "XXX",
+            "I know every Taylor Swift song by heart ",
-        favlabmusic: "XXX",
+        favlabmusic: "techno",
         islands: [
             "some divice to listen to music",
             "kindle with unlimited excess of books",
@@ -459,9 +463,9 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hobbies:  [
-            "Softball",
-            "Climbing",
-            "Basically everything outdoors",
+            "softball",
+            "climbing",
+            "basically everything outdoors",
         scientificinterests: "Cell Biology, Genetic Engineering and Biomedicine",
@@ -478,9 +482,9 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         headof: "Biosafety",
         igemjob: ["Wet lab", "Mechanism", "Biosafety"],
         whyigem: [
-            "I wanted to take part in a research project like this to network with industry and other enthusiastic students worldwide, to learn about new molecular biology methods and to experience what it is like to do research and work independently at such a level, while coordinating and working in a team",
-            "To work on a scientific project about a medical subject and to help people",
-            "my strong interests in science, as well as the idea of my future life as a scientist",
+            "I wanted to take part in a research project like this to network with industry and other enthusiastic students worldwide, to learn about new molecular biology methods and to experience what it is like to do research and work independently at such a level, while coordinating and working in a team.",
+            "To work on a scientific project about a medical subject and to help people.",
+            "my strong interests in science, as well as the idea of my future life as a scientist.",
         bestpart: [
             "My favourite part of iGEM was/is meeting new people as well as working and researching with them. It's also the new insights you gain: both into working methods, for example in the lab, and into the field of work in general",
@@ -582,7 +586,7 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
             "The biggest challenge definitely is to handle the neverending amount of tasks, most of which are completely new challenges you have to learn by yourself",
         favlabmusic: "Technoo",
-        funfacts: ["XXX"],
+        funfacts: ["I am to uncreative to submit a fun fact"],
         islands: [
             "a saw",
             "a metal pot",
@@ -592,10 +596,11 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
             "improved the communication between the population and researchers",
         hobbies:  [
-            "Swimming and Gym",
+            "Swimming",
+            "gym",
+            "card games",
+            "meeting friends",
             "Listening to and making music",
-            "Card games",
-            "Meeting friends",
         scientificinterests: "Systems Biology and Modeling",
@@ -637,10 +642,10 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hobbies:  [
-            "Reading",
-            "Game Nights with friends",
-            "Ourdoor Sports",
-            "Creating Banger Spotify playlists",
+            "reading",
+            "game nights with friends",
+            "ourdoor Sports",
+            "creating Banger Spotify playlists",
         scientificinterests: "Algae & Microbiology, OMICs and Systems Biology",
@@ -665,8 +670,7 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
             "balancing iGEM and university work",
         funfacts: [
-            "Proud Lab Mom - They see me rollin' with my E-Scooter",
-            "I would describe myself as a creative mind and food lover",
+            "no fun facts",
         favlabmusic: "Techno workout playlist from Lisa",
         islands: [
@@ -679,10 +683,11 @@ export const teammembers: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hobbies:  [
             "Medieval Reenactment",
-            "Sword Fighting",
-            "Gun club",
-            "Friends",
-            "Painting/Drawing",
+            "sword Fighting",
+            "gun club",
+            "friends",
+            "painting",
+            "drawing",
         scientificinterests: "Phytomining and Remediation and Synthetic Organs/ Limbs",
@@ -697,16 +702,12 @@ export const advisors: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hauptfoto: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/placeholders/placehilderperson.jpeg",
         pronouns: "she/her",
         studiengang: "M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology",
-        headof: "XXX",
         igemjob: ["Advisor"],
         whyigem: ["Trying to change the world step by step.","The idea of being able to change something and thus help people."],
         bestpart: ["XXX"],
         biggestchallenge: "XXX",
         funfacts: [
-            "XXX",
-            "XXX",
-            "XXX",
-            "XXX"
+            "I do not know any fun facts about me",
         favlabmusic: "no music in the lab",
         age: "25",
@@ -714,8 +715,8 @@ export const advisors: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         onechange: "The development of a system for the prevention of animal testing.",
         hobbies:  [
-            "Crocheting",
-            "Painting",
+            "crocheting",
+            "painting",
         scientificinterests: "Molecular Biology, Tumorbiology, Immunology, Cancer Research",
@@ -728,13 +729,12 @@ export const advisors: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hauptfoto: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/placeholders/placehilderperson.jpeg",
         pronouns: "he/him",
         studiengang: "PhD Molecular Biotechnology",
-        headof: "XXX",
         igemjob: ["Advisor"],
         whyigem: ["Passing on knowledge to the current iGEMers and being along for the ride of an exciting project"],
         bestpart: ["XXX"],
         biggestchallenge: "Staying organized throughout lab work, deadlines and wiki texts",
         funfacts: [
-            "XXX",
+            "no fun facts",
@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ export const advisors: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         onechange: "Failed experiments and hypotheses should be communicated more clearly",
         hobbies: [
-            "Running",
+            "running",
         scientificinterests: "Synthetic biology in viral gene replacement therapy",
@@ -818,8 +818,8 @@ export const advisors: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         onechange: "Remove the heavy fees charged by many top scientific journals for publishing research. In my opinion, thus fees create inherent inequality in the world of science, limiting opportunities for researchers with fewer resources. Moreover, publically funded research should be accessible to the public without paying large amounts of money",
         hobbies:  [
-            "Sport",
-            "Hiking",
+            "sport",
+            "hiking",
         scientificinterests: "Microbiology, Synthetic biology and Genetics",
@@ -838,9 +838,8 @@ export const instructor: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hauptfoto: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/team-photos/sinan-1-3-11zon.webp",
         zweitfoto: "https://static.igem.wiki/teams/5247/photos/team-photos/sinan-2-4-11zon.webp",
         pronouns: "he/him",
-        studiengang:  "M.Sc. Molecular Cell Biology",
-        headof: "iGEM Bielefeld-CeBiTec 2024",
-        igemjob: ["proud dad of my academic weapons", "a bit of everything"],
+        studiengang:  "Fullheart iGEMer",
+        igemjob: ["Instructor, Judge"],
         whyigem: [
             "Last year, I led the charge as Team Captain and Lab, and honestly… iGEM got me hooked for life! The experience pushed me past my limits and transformed both my personal growth and scientific journey. Now, it's my turn to guide the next generation and watch them rise – that's why I'm back as the instructor for iGEM Bielefeld and iGEM Judge of 2024!",
@@ -867,8 +866,8 @@ export const instructor: Array<SteckbriefInterface> = [
         hobbies:  [
-            "Sleep",
-            "Partying",
+            "sleep",
+            "partying",
         scientificinterests: "Molecular Oncology and Pathology and Neuroscience",
diff --git a/src/headers/ibie-h.tsx b/src/headers/ibie-h.tsx
index 73514c313b6f1480457d18f1ef53f5591b7f7d81..c1f068d99b765b8dbd3a05548c4fa5c49844ab11 100644
--- a/src/headers/ibie-h.tsx
+++ b/src/headers/ibie-h.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 export function IBIE() {
     return (
-      <HeaderBox title="iGem" title2="Bielefeld">
+      <HeaderBox title="iGEM" title2="Bielefeld">
diff --git a/src/pages.ts b/src/pages.ts
index 5d9a5f384b0130e77293a5449f8b83eda79b8577..62163b502eadf3c6bedf02998444c61ba7fb3162 100644
--- a/src/pages.ts
+++ b/src/pages.ts
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ const Pages: (Page | Folder)[] = [
       navlist: NoSidebar 
-      name: "iGem Bielefeld",
-      title: "iGem Bielefeld",
+      name: "iGEM Bielefeld",
+      title: "iGEM Bielefeld",
       path: "/igem-bielefeld",
       component: igemBielefeld,
       header: IBIE,
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ const Pages: (Page | Folder)[] = [
       navlist: NoSidebar,
-      name: "Roster",
-      title: "Roster",
+      name: "Rooster",
+      title: "Rooster",
       path: "/team",
       component: Team,
       header: TEAMH,
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ export const NavPages: (Page | PageRef | Folder)[] = [
       name: "Team",
       folder: [
-          name: "Roster",
-          title: "Roster",
+          name: "Rooster",
+          title: "Rooster",
           path: "/team",
           component: Team,
           header: TEAMH,
@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ export const NavPages: (Page | PageRef | Folder)[] = [
           navlist: NoSidebar,
-          name: "iGem Bielefeld",
-          title: "iGem Bielefeld",
+          name: "iGEM Bielefeld",
+          title: "iGEM Bielefeld",
           path: "/igem-bielefeld",
           component: igemBielefeld,
           header: IBIE,
diff --git a/src/sidebars/engS.tsx b/src/sidebars/engS.tsx
index 3e34a530ed4c840692ab2cb952ae1cf71201dc1f..1d174782f27b3af8967e3aeaa6962aa834863029 100644
--- a/src/sidebars/engS.tsx
+++ b/src/sidebars/engS.tsx
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { useEffect } from "react";
 import {  NewHighlight } from "../utils/Highlight-functions";
 import { openThem } from "../utils/openThem";
 import { BackUp } from "../components/Buttons";
+import { useNavigation } from "../utils";
 export function EngSide(){
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ export function EngSide(){
+      const {goToPageWithTabAndScroll} = useNavigation(); 
         <div className="col-2 d-none d-lg-block" >
@@ -51,23 +52,23 @@ export function EngSide(){
                                 <summary>Proof Of Concept</summary>
                                 <span id="proof-of-concept" className="sidesubtab" style={{display: "none"}}>
-                                        <li><a href="#cyc1">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Proof of Concept", scrollToId: "cyc1"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle0" className='sideitem'>Iteration 1</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#cyc2">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Proof of Concept", scrollToId: "cyc2"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle1" className='sideitem'>Iteration 2</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#cyc3">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Proof of Concept", scrollToId: "cyc3"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle2" className='sideitem'>Iteration 3</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#cyc4">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Proof of Concept", scrollToId: "cyc4"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle3" className='sideitem'>Iteration 4   </span>
-                    </a>
+                    </a> 
                     <a onClick={openThem({it: "pe-systems", scrollToId: "PE Systems"})}>
@@ -76,13 +77,13 @@ export function EngSide(){
                                 <summary>PE Systems</summary>
                                 <span id="pe-systems" className="sidesubtab" style={{display: "none"}}>
-                                        <li><a href="#pe1">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Delivery", scrollToId: "del1"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle4" className='sideitem'>Iteration 1</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#pe2">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Delivery", scrollToId: "del2"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle5" className='sideitem'>Iteration 2</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#pe3">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Delivery", scrollToId: "del3"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle6" className='sideitem'>Iteration 3</span>
@@ -98,22 +99,22 @@ export function EngSide(){
                                 <span id="nikase" className="sidesubtab" style={{display: "none"}}>
-                                        <li><a href="#nik1">
+                                        <li ><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "nikase", scrollToId: "nik1"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle7" className='sideitem'>Iteration 1</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#nik2">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "nikase", scrollToId: "nik2"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle8" className='sideitem'>Iteration 2</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#nik3">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "nikase", scrollToId: "nik3"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle9" className='sideitem'>Iteration 3</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#nik4">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "nikase", scrollToId: "nik4"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle10" className='sideitem'>Iteration 4</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#nik5">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "nikase", scrollToId: "nik5"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle11" className='sideitem'>Iteration 5</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#nik6">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "nikase", scrollToId: "nik6"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle12" className='sideitem'>Iteration 6</span>
@@ -129,22 +130,22 @@ export function EngSide(){
                                 <span id="pegrna" className="sidesubtab" style={{display: "none"}}>
-                                        <li><a href="#peg1">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "pegRNA", scrollToId: "peg1"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle13" className='sideitem'>Iteration 1</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#peg2">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "pegRNA", scrollToId: "peg2"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle14" className='sideitem'>Iteration 2</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#peg3">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "pegRNA", scrollToId: "peg3"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle15" className='sideitem'>Iteration 3</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#peg4">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "pegRNA", scrollToId: "peg4"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle16" className='sideitem'>Iteration 4</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#peg5">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "pegRNA", scrollToId: "peg5"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle17" className='sideitem'>Iteration 6</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#peg6">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "pegRNA", scrollToId: "peg6"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle18" className='sideitem'>Iteration 7</span>
@@ -160,13 +161,13 @@ export function EngSide(){
                                 <span id="delivery" className="sidesubtab" style={{display: "none"}}>
-                                        <li><a href="#del2">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Delivery", scrollToId: "del1"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle19" className='sideitem'>Iteration 1</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#del2">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Delivery", scrollToId: "del2"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle20" className='sideitem'>Iteration 2</span>
-                                        <li><a href="#del3">
+                                        <li><a onClick={() => goToPageWithTabAndScroll({path: "", tabId: "Delivery", scrollToId: "del3"})}>
                                                 <span id="subtitle21" className='sideitem'>Iteration 3</span>
diff --git a/src/sidebars/igbS.tsx b/src/sidebars/igbS.tsx
index f67d252b47628b2acb53321f8bad1e09c242d3cd..327aa151fac8053a42c99f238ed08bf6b945e601 100644
--- a/src/sidebars/igbS.tsx
+++ b/src/sidebars/igbS.tsx
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ export function iGemBielefeldSidebar(){
 const tabs = [
-    {tab: "iGem Bielefeld"},
     { tab: "History", subtabs: ["Origins", "Former Teams"]},
     { tab: "Steering Committee", subtabs: ["Function", "Jörn"]},
     {tab: "Future"}